This site contains material unsuitable for those under 18 years of age or sexually conservative.
This site includes content of a sexual nature. You should expect reviews of sex toys, discussion of alternative sexual practices, and erotica of a female-authority variety. Sexual content may include references to sodomy, bi-sexuality, sadomasochism, and other practices that fall under the umbrella term “kinky”. If you are under the age of 18 or can’t abide such things, the exit is a click away.
An extremely erotic short that we might use, in some form, during our play.
Will bring up for discussion, to explore the ins and outs, motivations and objectives of such play.
Thank you Master, for all that you do for me. I know you must often ask yourself if I am worth the trouble I cause. My promise to you is that I am striving to make sure I offer you the greatest value of all your choices, and to exceed your expectations.