An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission



Thank you, Master, for remaining a part of my life. I know you have options and I’m extremely fortunate that you keep me close.


  • I executed bill management this morning. The rent and all bills were paid.
    Thank you for my allowance, you are very kind to give of yourself; I will strive to be worthy of your gift.
  • I presented myself at the appointed time for my weekly maintenance whipping.
    However, you were busy and we did not… connect.
  • I presented myself for our weekly discussion on scene ideas.
    However, we did not discuss. To be fair, my mind has been elsewhere and I would not have been ready to discuss this topic. I will make sure that I am ready next week, and every week afterwards.
  • I talked to you in a very disrespectful manner.
    I made the conversation about me being right and you being wrong, and I did so forcefully. The conversation should have been about listening and meeting your needs. If I had a valid point worth getting across I should have determined the most effective and respectful manner to do so. Instead it was about be shoving it down your throat. In hindsight, when I have an opinion that counters your own, and it is 6 pm or later, I will strive to keep my mouth shut unless absolutely necessary or you demand my opinion. As you know, I am set off by emotional triggers, and I am especially vulnerable when I am at my most tired. Quite honestly, a policy of not expressing any contrary opinion in the moment, unless truly necessary, is probably a very good policy that will serve us both well.
    For the record, I encourage you with all my passion, to whip me severely when these sorts of events happen. Left on its own, these learned instinctive behaviors, assuming they are decaying, will have a half-life of a decade or more. If you whip me severely (welts, blood, hard to sit down kind of whippings) I suspect they’ll be purged from my system in months. I believe neither of us want to see me spending my final years treating you poorly because of events that happened so long ago. Please, whip me harshly when these things happen, for the good of us both.

Standard Services Provided and Sacrifices Offered

  • I worked an eight-hour day which will result in the deposit of a full tribute at the next payday.
  • I looked at the trash, but it was only 66^% full, so I did not take it out.
  • I cleaned the kitchen within my designated window
    But there were a few items I found after I finished that I should have hand cleaned I suppose, but I needed to get to bed at that point. I apologize for leaving these items for someone else to clean.
  • I walked the dog.
  • I remained faithfully chaste as proof of my love and devotion for you.
  • I exercised today, however I did so when I came home for the day as I was processing bills this morning when I would have normally been exercising.
  • I recorded my weight: 240.8 LBS / 38.8% BF
  • I recorded my blood pressure: 169/96
  • I took my blood pressure medication
  • I did not take my Tadalafil, as I am now caged.
    I will take Tadalafil on Fridays and Saturdays so that I may be of the best service to you over the weekend. I will keep tabs on how this pattern works. If you begin to need access to your cock during the week, I will alter the regime to match. As you normally use me only orally during the week, I thought this pattern might be acceptable, as it will lower my discomfort, especially in the mornings. But if this is unacceptable, please let me know and I will switch back to daily.
  • I recorded all of my food intake for the day.
  • I sought you out immediately before I retired in the evening to wish you good night and to profess my love for you.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

