An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

What a Female-Led Relationship Means to Me


Female-Led Relationships (FLR), Femdom, Matriarchy, Gynarchy.  So many terms that describe the rise of women and, depending on what flavor you choose, the decline of male influence.

Let me first dispense with what I believe my journey is not.  To me, it’s not about any ideology that veers towards women subjugating men or portrays women as the superior sex and males as lesser-than. Master is a strong, powerful, intelligent, and beautiful woman. I am an intelligent, perceptive, and sensitive male. We both have outstanding qualities of which we can be proud. Neither of us is the de facto superior to the other.

Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

I choose to serve Master, and she accepts my submission. We decided our relative roles from a position of mutual strength and understanding. Those that espouse a philosophy of one sex having natural dominion over another are incorrect in my opinion. That said, I’ve had enough of the patriarchy, and wouldn’t mind if we tried matriarchy for a while.

Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

Master and I exist in a symbiotic relationship where her role is to lead, guide, and enforce, whereas my role is to serve, follow, and submit.

The ability to take a knee for another does not make someone lesser-than the other.  I feel sorry for those that feel they can only lead, and could never submit, as they will never be able to lead to their full potential or understand the joy of truly putting another first (many do kind deeds for others daily, but that is different from truly sacrificing oneself in service to another). If a person has no concept of the strength found in taking a knee, they will never be able to lead to their maximum potential. I’ve led hundreds, but I could only do so effectively once I understood how to follow.

Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

My relationship with Master may include elements of overt female authority, but that is largely due to erotic desire, or the challenges presented by our long and, admittedly, hard marriage.

Sourced From Tumblr, Artist Unknown

What our FLR means to me is complicated. It is many things at once, with many of the items below interrelated. To me, our FLR is an opportunity…

  • to help right past wrongs, before it is too late
  • to make her dreams come true
  • to find true harmony together, finally
  • to create a deep intimacy between us
  • for me to show my complete commitment and devotion to her
  • for me to make her happy… genuinely happy
  • for me to grow as a human being by developing a less selfish and more selfless version of myself
Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

Master leads our FLR. I’m her trusted advisor.  I’m counted upon to offer up my insights and opinions, and as well to enthusiastically support her lead once she’s made her decision on any matter. It means that I submit my will to that of hers.  It means that I align my priorities to her priorities.  It means that I make it my daily purpose to ensure that she finds herself supported, loved, and fulfilled.  I’m prepared to sacrifice all that I am, and that I desire, to first ensure her happiness.

This arrangement, our FLR, is possible for several reasons:

  • Master is strong, intelligent, and willful
  • I love her and I wish for us to cease fighting and treating each other badly
  • I have changed and now appreciate and embrace submission, and I genuinely desire to submit to her.
  • I not only wish to submit, I wish for my every action to be in the service of making her happy.

Our FLR provides a context where we each can be our best selves, and find the greatest happiness. And that should be, in my opinion, what every relationship should strive to achieve.

Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

