An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

My Need to Submit


I wish I could explain this need I have to submit. I have the words for what I want. But what I can’t answer is impetus for it.

In polite relationships someone asks the other for something: “Would you pass the salt? Please?”, “Would you like to go see a movie with me?”, “Would you pick up my laundry on the way home?”, “Would you like to have sex?”. Implicit in the question is the possibility of a “no” answer. The “no” might be delivered politely, hopefully so, along with an explanation, but in the end it is a negative answer. We ask because we are equals. While we try to do things for one another, sometimes a task is not possible due to other constraints.

I don’t want to be asked by Master to do anything. I want to be told what to do, with no option for a “no”. Of course, if there is a true conflict, I know Master will hear me out and make an assessment as to whether my conflict is valid.

I can’t really explain why I don’t want to be asked. I can explain what it does for me to be commanded. And I can explain the negatives I see in being asked. But in the end, those are not explanations that speak to the fundamental motivation to submit to Master.

I do not wish to be asked to do a thing because it implies I am equal to her. I also infer a weakness and lack of leadership. Imagine if you will the General of a military base, turning to one of her orderlies and asking “Would you mind assembling my staff for a meeting?”. To be clear, that would never happen. And asking a submissive to perform a task should never happen. It weakens the relationship by corrupting both dominant and submissive. (On the other hand, adding a ‘Please’ never hurts so long as it is not phrased as a question. “Get my handbag please”. I think the command works better without the ‘please’, but if it must be done, it can work. In lieu of ‘please’, add ‘Thank you’ once the task is complete. Absolutely no issues with words of appreciation; although a ‘Good Boy’ is preferred.

Sourced from Tumblr, Photographer unknown, Captioner shown in image

I was imagining a scenario where I was upstairs, in my office, talking to my mother on the phone. Master was downstairs, watching TV in the living room. She realizes that she left her phone in the kitchen, just a few ten steps away, and wants it on her person. She texts me, using her watch, to get her phone in the kitchen and bring it to her. I reply back that I am on the phone with my mother. She then texts me back and says “Tell her you will call back”. I would sprout an instant erection (crushed inside her cage of course), and have it all the way down the stairs and probably for up to ten minutes after I bring her phone to her and resume my call with my Mother. Being treated like a submissive gets me hard like nothing. Give me a porn magazine or video and I can read/watch the whole thing and Master’s cock will barely twitch, but Master gives me a clear command that makes it clear I’m her bitch, and I’ll be hard until next Tuesday. I can’t explain that, I just know it’s true.

I do not mean for the description of the erection state of Master’s cock to imply this is just a sexual thing. It makes me happy inside, erections aside. I love to see her clear and firm in what she wants, and I want to be used to make that happen for her. It doesn’t matter if she’s ‘right’, or if she changes her mind later. The point is that she’s clear that in that moment she wanted ‘x’ and she commanded me to make ‘x’ happen for her.

I do have my own motivations and desires; of course I do. Not the least of which is to serve a strong, intelligent, willful, independent, kind, loving and beautiful woman (and if she has all of the first six traits, she’s automatically beautiful to me). There are many key words in that statement but ‘serve’ is just as key as any other. I don’t wish to be 50/50 with such a woman, nor do I wish to have such a woman submit to me. Both of those scenarios would make me unhappy. I want to serve her, in a every way I can, not just sexually.

For myself, no explanation is needed. Just as I feel no need to explain why emerald and forest green are my favorite colors. But Master is being asked to interface with me as if I’m a servant, and she’s having difficulty with this. I wish I could explain it to her so that she understood how happy it makes me when she orders me to do her bidding, and how unhappy it makes me when she treats me like her equal. I do require personal time where, for a limited time, I can be ‘master of my domain’ for a few hours each week. As a long-lived dominant male, I feel the need for these moments. But other than these few moments to myself, I wish to be owned by Master, to be her slave, …to be her bitch. I wish to be treated kindly, with love, but firmly. I wish for her to expect that, outside of my designated private time, which is a privilege not a right, I serve her in any way that she desires, without question.

I just want to feel owned, used, valued, needed, and submissive. I can’t explain any of those desires. I just know them to be true. Because of this, I can do little to make Master comfortable in ordering me around to do her bidding. All I can say is that Master’s failure to treat me like a servant hurts me, reduces her happiness as a result of losing the benefits I could provide her, and harms our relationship. Conversely, doing so makes me feel fulfilled and happy, makes her happy as a result of the assistance I provide, and strengthens our relationship (but currently, makes her uncomfortable).

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

