An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Steve and Olivia: Chapter 10


The next day we sat down again, taking a break from our unpacking, to discuss my responsibilities going forward. “I’ve thought about your schedule. There are 168 hours in a week. here’s the breakdown of your time” she said as she handed me a printout…

Necessities (80 hours)SleepDaily56
Personal Hygiene/necessitiesIntra-Daily7
Career (55 hours)WorkWeekdays40
Chores (10 hours)Meal PreparationIntra-Weekly3
Take Out TrashDaily.5
Sexual ServiceAs Demanded3
Clean KitchenIntra-Daily3.5
Discretionary (23 hours)Joint PursuitsIntra-Weekly6
Personal PursuitsIntra-Weekly10
Kinky IntimacyIntra-Weekly6

“Ok, a few points of clarification first. Sleep is sacrosanct. Every night you’ll be in bed by eight-thirty pm, with lights out and eyes closed, no exception. You’ll arise by four-fifteen am. I’ll maintain whatever sleep schedule I desire, this is specifically for you”, she clarified.

“You are to get pre-approval before scheduling any holidays or vacation days, and those hours are mine to assign.”

“As for sexual service, like all the other numbers, it’s an estimate. This is time where you’ll focus on my sexual needs exclusively. This is not time for your pleasure, so don’t expect to be getting off during this time. In fact, your cage likely won’t ever come off during this service” she said, looking at me directly to make sure I understood.

“I’ve reserved 6 hours a week for us to do things together. This can include, but isn’t limited to, walking, talking, exercising, reading, watching a movie or some TV, dancing, visiting with friends, fucking; or even visiting with friends and fucking them” she explained with a chuckle. “This is time that I control, but with your input. The intent is for the two of us to do things, together, for our joint growth. And since I already have time set aside for you to service me sexually, and you have 6 hours of potential kinky intimacy time, assuming you’ve been a good boy, then I suspect this joint time will be less about fucking and more about non-sexual stuff.”

“Any personal pursuits you settle on must be approved by me. I’ll be fairly lenient on them, provided you’re meeting your other obligations. Personal pursuits will not involve sexual release. However, you may do sexual research or read erotica if you like. Feel free to get a boner while caged, but there will be no release for it. This time is intended for your personal growth. You may do anything at all that you like, that I approve, but no ejaculations. If you’re delinquent in your other responsibilities, your personal time will be cut to allow you to compete them properly. Additionally, you may be disciplined for your failures during your review” she stated matter-of-factually.

She paused suddenly, then put her copy of the printout down carefully, before turning to look down at me. “I want you to be clear about something. My goal isn’t to have a man I beat regularly in punishment. I know that I often emphasize how important a thing is to me by referencing a possible beating if I’m disappointed. But if I must perform corporal punishment, you should know that I’ll be raging inside that you’ve pushed me to that point. Yes, I do want to flog you and do other kinds of funishments during kinky play. But that’s not the same thing as actually punishing you. If I must truly punish you, it’ll be very painful for us both; you physically and me emotionally. There’ll be no warm-up for you. Unsustainable and memorable pain will be the goal, not drifting off into ‘subspace’. Do what you’re told, do it in a timely manner, and do it to the best of your ability. If you do that, follow the rules, and treat me with the respect, love, and honor I am due, then corporal punishment will never happen. Even if you fail at something, I’m not going to instinctively reach for the cane. I don’t want to punish you! I’ll do everything I can to work it out with you. But the moment I begin to feel that it’s the cane or our marriage, you’ll instantly feel the cane” she said as she stared at me intently. “I’ll also punish you if I see you under-performing and failing to be the best ‘you’ that you can be. I consider it my responsibility to take care of you and encourage you, even when the challenges you face may give you hesitation or cause you to stumble. Do you understand me on this?” she asked, adding, before I could answer, “And I mean it. Now is the time to raise a hand and ask any questions. This is serious, and it’ll only get more so when the day comes that I feel I must pick up the cane to make a correction”.

“I understand Master. In my heart, I hope to never act so badly that you feel you need to punish me. I appreciate that if you do, it’ll be because you feel it’s necessary to save us, or to motivate me forward” I somberly replied.

“Good” she said, “I know I’m a bit casual in my references to beatings sometimes, and I just wanted to have a moment of serious conversation on this” she explained. “Moving on…” she said as she looked back down to her notes and picked up her pen and clipboard.

“As for exercise, I expect a better body than you have now. I’m going to be investing a lot of my time in tracking this for you and motivating you to do better. Expect me to, figuratively, ride your ass on this. And maybe, if you’re a good boy in this area, literally ride your ass. And if you’re a very good boy, perhaps I’ll even let you ride my ass. There’ll be no free pass on this, you’ll be pushed. I want to see muscles, endurance, and no love-handles” she warned.

“And finally, I plan to spend roughly 6-8 hours a week with you. This time will be spent making you a better man and slave. I will educate you as needed, train you if I see shortcomings, punish you harshly if you deserve it, and reward you if you have earned it. Do what I’ve written here. Do it to the best of your ability. Take these burdens off my hands and give me the peace of mind that comes from knowing that I don’t need to constantly watch over you. That then frees me physically and emotionally to focus on my work, and my endeavors. As a result, I’ll not only have the time to spend in kinky play with you, I’ll be motivated. Additionally, I’ll also have the energy and desire to be creative with you” she said as she looked at me compassionately.

“All of the times you see in your responsibilities chart are estimates, except for Sleep and Work. Don’t feel you have to give every minute, don’t freak out if a chore goes a little longer, and don’t worry if some of the discretionary items run a little longer or are shortchanged. You need to be flexible and to know that I find that acceptable. However, if you do run long completing your chores, that time needs to be made up and it will come out of your personal time first, and then your reward time next” she cautioned.

“By the way, it’s quite possible that I’ll see a dirty kitchen, a full trash bin, a dirty bathroom, or whatnot, and move to act. Don’t freak out. If I’m upset with you, you’ll know it. I promise that I’ll never perform a cleaning and then come looking for you with a cane or a harsh word. If I’m upset, I’ll find you, grab you by the ear, pull you to the problem, and demand you fix it right then. It’s just that sometimes I may find myself with a few minutes, see a problem in need of attention, and gladly volunteer myself to correct it” she explained. “If you come down to find a clean kitchen you knew was dirty earlier, know that I’m not upset. I just had some time, was in a good place, and so I cleaned it on my own. I may do that from time to time. But that’ll only be possible if you’ve shown me you take care of things. If you were bad at keeping the kitchen clean, then instead of being in a ‘good place’, I’d have been furious when I saw the dirty kitchen and would have found you and dragged your ass back to clean it up” she said calmly.

“All of this information is subject to change or be appended, but I’ll make sure you know of any changes early and have time to adapt. Do you have any questions for me on any of this?” she asked.

“No Master, it all looks good and is understandable” I replied, “I presume if conflicts arise that I’m to solve them on my own if I can, but to otherwise bring them to you for resolution?”

“Yes, perfect. And oh”, she added, “I want you to share your personal calendar with me. I plan to create a calendar for our joint activities that I’ll share with you. But I can’t schedule things on it unless I’ve a real-time view into your calendar. I need to see where your activities are planned. All the responsibilities I’ve listed should be reflected on your calendar except trash removal, sleep, work, sexual service, joint pursuits, and reward/punishment time. Trash removal is just too small to include each day, and the other items I’ll place on the joint calendar I create and share. Your calendar, combined with the joint calendar, now becomes your bible as to where you’re supposed to be, when, and what you’re to be doing” she explained.

“I understand Master” I replied.

She added, as she stood to leave, “And you may feel free to move around appointments on your personal calendar, provided they don’t conflict with items I’ve added to the joint calendar.”

“This is a good start. We’ll refine it and make it more natural as we go forward” she assured me as she stood and departed, leaving me to create my new life schedule.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

