An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

I Love Anal


Master made a comment the other day that she didn’t think I liked anal penetration when trying to get off because it prevented orgasm. I’m not sure where this miscommunication occurred, but I’m here to clear things up about all things anal, and me.


  • Physically
    Physically, it’s rather simple.
    • External Play
      I love anal play in or around my anus, and any such play only enhances my orgasms; even if no orgasm is forthcoming, it drives me into a frenzy. There is never a bad time for this, and it is a great way to torture and edge me, if it is done without satisfying the urges such play brings on.
    • Internal Play
      I am rarely interested in penetration for penetration’s sake. My mind tells me, when I receive external anal stimulation, that I want to be fucked, but once I am penetrated, there is no great pleasure from it. For whatever reason, a dildo pushing up against my prostate does not provide me with more pleasure and I’m not sure why.
  • Psychologically
    While I love external stimulation all the time, if psychologies are brought into play, I love it all; internal and external.
    • My Need to Feel Desirable and Lusted After
      The psychologies I need are tied to my submissive desires. Through anal sex I am taken by someone who desires me, who wants to explore their lust for me, who wants to ejaculate inside me. It’s my desire to be fucked as the physical manifestation of their lust and desire for me, and their desire to own me.
    • My Desire to Feel Owned
      In my mind, when someone lusts for me, takes me, and uses me for their ultimate pleasure, I feel like marked meat. I smile at the thought that I will be used again and again and again to satisfy their need. I feel owned, and that makes me happy. We all want to be needed, to feel desirable, and to feel we provide pleasure for another. I simply take all of those things from getting fucked in the ass till someone shoots their load. I don’t believe I’ve ever orgasmed from it, but the feeling it leaves in me is so satisfying. I can only imagine it is how many women feel when they have provided for their man’s lusts.
    • Ways to Employ Psychology
      There are soo many ways, sooooooo many. I’m just listing a couple that come to mind quickly. These are not even necessarily my favorites, just first thoughts. (Caveat: for these to work, their must be an honest truth in their delivery, at least in the moment they are said. If faked, I would know it instantly and it would only ruin things. I know this for certain. just a few ideas…
      • For Master to call me her bitch
      • For Master to call me her fucktoy
      • For Master to convey her thoughts throughout the experience
        Hopefully there is some sincere desire for me in there, but even if her desire is based on the fact that she gets to slip a cock into her husband, she should share it, lustily!)
      • For Master to humiliate me (call me her gay boy, her favorite fag, her cum slut, etc. Basically, while doing it, for her to try and humiliate me over the fact that I like cocks, sucking on them and getting fucked by them)
      • For Master to talk like she’s punishing me with it
        I love getting fucked in the ass, but she can turn it around as if it is being done to me, rather than for me.
      • For Master to fantasize with me
        For her to talk to me, as she is fucking me, about a fantasy of bringing in another woman to peg me while she takes her pleasure of me in other ways, or about bringing in another male, with same scenario, or a couple. This would work best if we could see one another while fantasizing. Really wished we had a ‘gynecologist table’ setup, with stirrups, but I’ve searched and found nothing reasonable (too big, too heavy, too pricey).

Technical Aspects

  • Plugs
    • Static
      These are the plugs that are just silicone, and have no electronics inside them. They do not move, they simply fill space and stretch anus. Other than the psychologies involved, I take no pleasure from wearing these. If one is inserted I presume I will be getting fucked, and that excites me, and if we go out into public I like that, so long as there is interplay between us. But just wearing one with no other purpose brings no physical or psychological pleasure.
      • Public Wear
        I like static plugs for public wear (going out in public). It’s a secret Master and I share, it’s humiliating, and so long as there is interplay between her and I about it, it’s fun. I’d never put in a plug on my own to wear out. It’s the psychology of it all, not the physical, that attracts me. Wearing in public can also have a practical purpose if she is stretching me out so that she can fuck me when we return.
      • Long Term Wear
        Long term means an hour or more. Length of time should be something that is built up to. The purpose for long-term wear is humiliation and to stretch anus so that it can receive Master more quickly and comfortably when she decides to fuck me. If commanded to wear for a long time, I would need to remove it from time to time to conduct ‘business’ and to deal with any discomfort. The removal period would be brief, such as 20 minutes or less.
      • Short Term Wear
        This is for an hour or less, normally much less. This is done to stretch anus for fucking, Other than knowing I am about to get fucked, and that this is designed to make the fucking easier to initiate, I take no pleasure in the wearing of static plugs short term.
    • Vibrating
      I do like these. A lot. Especially if they can be remotely controlled and Master makes use of this ability once in awhile.
      • Remotely Controlled
        The ability for Master to activate the plug whenever she thinks on it, is very desirable. To be ‘forced’ to wear one while doing chores, or a day working at home, is very exciting. However, these plugs have electronics within them, which means that their shape is very rigid. This creates discomfort for long term wear. Unfortunately, until someone can devise one that is soft and mushy (like the static ones) and yet can vibrate, these should be used for short-term wear only, which then restricts the options for usage.
      • Public Wear
        This would be fantastic for public wear, where Master activates it from time to time in the most inconvenient moments. But this cannot be used for more than 2 hours and, for now, 20 minutes is the maximum. I would need to work to build up tolerance over time, but there is a very real limitation as to how long these can comfortably be worn.
      • Long Term Wear
        Long term wear is not possible with these electronic devices. I’ve never been able to get past 20 minutes, but I suspect I can, with practice. But I have no illusions that these can be worn for a very long time, they are just too dense.
      • Short Term Wear
        These are perfect for short term wear. They go in nicely, if vibrating during insertion, and they can relax the anus and prepare it for something larger (Master).
  • Dildos
    Much of what was said for plugs is true for dildos, so I won’t repeat here. But I will add that even soft dildos should not be “worn”. These are for fucking, not for wearing, due to their length.
    I will add that while I like being prepared and relaxed with vibrating plugs or dildos, when it comes to getting fucked, I prefer a static dildo as I like it feeling as close to the real thing as possible. Sorry, I like cocks, not dildos 😛

Final Thoughts

It’s critical to me that I believe the person taking me wants to be there for themselves; it’s great that their pleasure is enhanced by my own, but they need to have their own motivations that drive them to take me. It gets a little weird when my pleasure is based on the pleasure of the person fucking me, and their pleasure is based on my pleasure. That’s a weird merry-go-round that I prefer not to get on, if I can avoid it. If that’s all we’ve got, then we can try, but I think it’s going to be hit and miss; and more miss than hit.

This is why I want to know that Master is back there because she wants to fuck me for her own pleasure, and that she stays back there no longer than that desire lives within her.

I want to experience sexual submission, and I have found, for me, that one of the best ways is getting taken anally. My thoughts turn to the joy of submitting to someone else’s desires and my joy at being the one they want and desire. With men, their hard cocks were all the proof I needed, along with them cumming inside me. With women, well, actually Master is the only one who’s pegged me. With Master, it has been mixed because of uncertainty over her motivations. This is why it is really important that we speak about it in advance and that she shares her joy at doing it. It also helps if we lean into these desires of submission and ownership when she does fuck me. I’d love for her to wine me, dine me, spend some time down there driving me crazy, call me her bitch and mean it. Tell me she loves fucking me, and mean it. Pull my hair, or leash attached to my collar, make me arch my back and take her cock, and demand it all with sincerity and energy. And if it’s just not in her, despite me wanting it, don’t do it. Only do it when it can be good, because there is no middle ground. It is either good, or it is bad.

Strap-on dildos do not feel to Master the way a man’s cock does to him. But we can simulate the experience as best we can. Also, if we can come up with ideas to make her physical pleasure even greater as she fucks me, that can help the time we spend.

I love external anal play 100% of the time. I desire penetration 100% of the time, and will beg for it sincerely if I have been stimulated enough. But actual penetration is based solely on making sure the psychologies are involved. There are a myriad of ways to make me feel the way I wish to feel, but the really critical thing first is that Master find her own desires for being there. Once that is true, I’m an easy lay 🙂

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

