An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Steve and Olivia: Chapter 09


Prior to the wedding, we began to make plans to relocate to a larger three-story apartment. A week after we returned from our honeymoon we began to pack, and a week later we were in our new digs.

It had significantly more space than we were accustomed, and an abundance of natural lighting. The first floor held only a small foyer and a coat closet, with stairs leading upwards. After climbing the stairs, you entered into the end of a very large dining and living room combination, with a vaulted ceiling above the living room area. The room was about thirty feet in length and thirteen-feet wide. The floor was open and had three large windows that ran three-quarters of the way from floor to ceiling. A large fireplace adorned the opposite far-right wall. On your immediate left was the kitchen, behind it the guest bathroom, and to the right of those was a very large guest bedroom. To your immediate right, on the opposite side of the dining room, a second set of stairs ascended to the third, and final, floor. After climbing those stairs, you entered the only hallway on the third floor. The hallway opened to three doors. The first door, on the left, held what would now be Master’s bathroom. The second door on the left led into what was now Master’s Chamber; a very spacious chamber twenty feet in length and twelve feet wide. It also contained a large walk-in closet and a fairly large secondary closet. And finally, the third doorway in the hallway opened to the right into a small ten by ten room that was my tiny bedroom; or ‘holding pen’ as Master called it. Master wanted me close, in case she called, but yet removed from her. While it was a lot more space than we were used, there were twice as many stairs.

Much remained in moving boxes a week after our move. For now, we were sleeping in the guest bedroom, on our former king-sized bed.

Master was having her chamber professionally decorated. Between the change of carpet, wall paint, other minor renovations, and delays in acquiring the furnishings she desired, it would take a few weeks before it was ready for her to move in. Decorators, and service and delivery personnel, came and went all day long most days. Packages, large and small, arrive daily. I was not privy to the details, but Master did give me updates on the broad strokes occasionally.

When we first moved in, I casually suggested over breakfast one morning that we could take the guest bedroom and turn it into ‘my room’. The withering glaze I received put the kibosh on that. Instead, I was given the 10×10 room upstairs, across from Master’s chamber. A mattress had been placed on the floor. A small dresser was in one corner for me to store foldables, and I had a small closet with hangars. Otherwise the room was bare. No lights, no blinds on the windows, nothing on the walls.

Master told me that I would earn the right to furnish my room. She said if I was a good boy, between earning furnishings and gifts I would receive from gaining her favor, I could expect to have my room just the way I’d want in a year.

She made me realize that my room would become a testament to my success at serving her and gaining her favor. She told me that she knew it would be hard being in the room now, but that as time progressed I could take pride as the room developed, and that she would take pride as well.

Over the past year I’d come to love her authority. I didn’t always agree with her, but I found I was free to express myself and my passion, just so long as I did so respectfully.

The most common complaint I’d heard from her was that I was acting more like a frightened slave than her future husband. Over time, I’d come to realize that we agreed on more things than we disagreed. But when I was uncertain, and I held an opposing view, sometimes it felt safer to just be quiet and await instructions. It was to these meek moments she was referring.

As the year of engagement had progressed, I became more comfortable with her intent and desires. As a result, I had fewer moments of uncertainty and therefore, I spoke up more. She sensed this and even commended me on it once.

She understood that I needed time to understand our new structure. But she also, very kindly, and gently, cautioned me to not take it too far. She wasn’t threatening me as much as she was cautioning me. She wanted me to understand her intent, and to feel free to speak up, but to never forget to show deference and respect.

Today, our sixth full day in our new apartment, she sat me down for our first discussion. I knelt, naked, facing her chair, with collar and cock cage my only adornments.

“It’s time we reviewed our house rules going forward. But before I do, I want to discuss something else.”

“I want you to know that I expect you to live your life, not sit around, quietly, awaiting orders. I know that I can be draconian at times, but that’s not what this relationship is about. We conduct our lives like any couple. We interrupt one another, we argue, occasionally voices may get raised. We live. I want you to take initiative, and I want you to pursue your interests. To someone watching who might catch snippets of our conversations, we’re a standard run-of-the-mill couple. It would take listening to us for an extended period, or at certain moments like this one, to see that we choose to walk our own path.”

“Yes, you will be naked in this house, and you will wear my cage and you will provide service upon demand. But periods of time will be marked out for you, and you alone. Technically, you will still be at my beck and call, but I will refrain from calling upon you during those windows unless it is an absolute necessity.”

“And even when it is not your personal time, you will certainly find yourself with idle time. Use it! Read a book, watch a TV show, do whatever interests you. But in those periods, yes, you will need to stay close and available.”

“All I’m saying is that, for our daily existence, I don’t need a robot attendant. Maybe fucking a robot-man from time to time would be nice, but that’s different. Does this make sense to you?”

“Yes Master. I may have questions as we develop together, but yes, I do believe I understand what you mean.”

“Good. Ok. I want to review the rules you’ll follow in my household. And I want you to know that if I don’t say it, then the rule doesn’t exist. So don’t go making up rules you think I’d want. I know what I want, and you’ll be the first to hear if I’ve a new rule or special guidance for you” she said as she paused for a moment, “any questions before we start?”

“No Master, I understand” I replied as I looked up at her.

“The most important thing is for you to understand your place in our relationship. You are the lover I need to hold and pleasure me, and to give pleasure back. You are the brain I need to provide me with ideas and spar with from time to time to keep me sharp. You’re the contrarian I need to show me other ways of viewing a problem. You are the confidant with whom I share my thoughts and feelings, and from whom I expect the same. You are the partner with whom I wish to share all our life experiences. You are the yin to my yang. I need you. My life will not function without you.”

“Therefore, so long as you obey me in all things, I promise I will always cherish, love, and take care of you. You’ll be first in my thoughts when I rise, all throughout the day, and last on my thoughts as I close my eyes to go to sleep at night. You are more important to me that I can describe. But, at the same time, I won’t tolerate disobedience or disrespect from you. You will kneel before me, always, or this marriage is over” she stated firmly but with love in her eyes. “I realize you know all this; I’m just setting the stage for what I’m about to say” she said more softly and kindly.

She stopped suddenly, placed her pencil and paper on the table, stood, lifted her skirt, sat back down, and spread her legs. She was wearing no panties.

“Get over here and service me” she commanded.

I hesitated slightly as I was caught by surprise.

“Now!” she barked.

I immediately scooted forward two steps, still on my knees, leaned forward, and placed my face into her sex. She grabbed the back of my head and forced my mouth up against her clit.

“Lick it!” she ordered.

I began to lap at the folds of her labia, making sure to draw up and over her clit on every stroke. She immediately began to moan; although the only way I could hear her was by the vibrations coming through her thighs. She was clinching my head so tight that I was deaf in both ears. I kept lapping, but slowly began to focus more on her clit and less on her labia. Normally, I’d have taken my time with gentle kisses to her inner thighs, light blowing, and playful fingering. But she seemed intent on getting right to it, and so I obeyed. As I focused on her clit, I began to flick it more intensely and more quickly. I felt her writhe in her seat and her moans increase. She grabbed my left hand and pulled it up. She must have taken out her left breast, as she moved my hand to be placed upon her bare breast. I began to quickly brush her nipple back and forth with the skin of my index and middle fingers, in concert with my tongue flicking her clit. It was only a moment later that I felt her gasp, arch upwards, and then shudder. I immediately ceased stimulation of her nipple and grabbed her breast firmly but gently. I returned to very slowing lapping at her labia, until I felt her legs spread. Her right hand grabbed my left ear and pulled my head back, away from her.

“Good boy” she said with a heavy breath. “Get back where you were” she commanded.

As I moved backwards, she stood briefly, fixed her skirt, tucked her breast back into her bra, realigned her top, and sat back down, picking up her paper and pencil as she did so. Without further comment, her breathing still somewhat deeper than normal, she continued.

“I know you’ve been doing it for nearly a year now, but to be certain we’re clear, you’ll always refer to me as ‘Master’. You’ll never address me without using the honorific ‘Master’. You may also occasionally use “Ma’am. I prefer ‘Master’, but I understand how it can sometimes be monotonous to use a single pronoun repeatedly. You’re never to use ‘Olivia’ or “Liv” without permission” she instructed. “I want to make sure you understand that if we go out to dinner with friends, or I come to an event at your workplace, that you will introduce me as ‘my Master’. In fact, even if I’m not present and you mention me in any way, you’ll always refer to me as ‘my Master’. If someone asks you your wife’s name, and it isn’t an official request, you’ll say that my given name is Olivia Devales, but that you refer to me as “Master”, she added.

“Do you have any questions about this?”

“No Master, not at this time” I replied. After the past year, it had become very clear what she expected in this area.

“You are 27 to me. You’re to never allow anyone else to call you 27. 27 is for me and me alone.“

“But I may call you anything I like. So long as we’re alone, there should be no question as to whom I’m referring. If we’re with company, it’s on you to pay attention, so stay sharp” she advised.

“Yes ma’am” I responded.

“I’ll never call you ‘Steve’ again unless it is in an official capacity, such as divorce proceedings” she said with a wicked smile.

“If anyone overhears me calling you ‘27’ and asks you why I call you that, you’re to tell them the full blunt truth. You can say it as ‘PG-ish’ as you like, but don’t lie” she cautioned.

“Yes ma’am” I replied.

“Pro tip here: when we’re in public, stay close to me. If you do, I’ll have no need to call out your name where others might hear it. I’ll be able to just turn and give you my instructions directly. I’ll use ‘27’ freely at any time, but I’ll never do it gratuitously or viciously” she promised.

“Yes ma’am, I understand” I replied.

“You’ll never orgasm without my permission”, she continued. “Ever.”

“If you ever ask to orgasm, not only is the answer is an automatic ‘no’ but, and this goes for each violation, you’ll go a week without sexual release. Such penalties will be served sequentially, not concurrently. So, save yourself the grief and never ask. I’m quite conscious of the fact that I control your orgasms and that you want them. I have no doubt you want one right now. So, just accept that I know this and if I’ve not given permission for you to have one, it means I don’t want you to have one. Asking me is disrespectful, and punishment will be immediate” she warned.

Without prompting I responded, “I understand Master”.

“You’ll always be honest with me. You’ll answer my queries both honestly and fully on any topic I may raise. Lying, in any form, is unacceptable. The punishment, if caught lying, is an immediate and vicious caning, and sexual release will be denied for a minimum of one month. Even ‘white’ lies and lies of deliberate omission will receive severe punishment.”

“Lying is one of the few things for which you’ll receive no warning, other than the one I’m providing you now. If you lie to me, just go ahead, bend over, and expect to not walk or sit right for a week. I’m dead serious about this. I’ll, quite literally, whip you till you bleed. I’m adamant about ‘white’ lies because small lies, even those said to protect the feelings of another, only make us more comfortable in telling larger lies. Lies, if not immediately checked, will destroy us. It’s better to face the issue that the lie was trying to avoid” she said, looking at me firmly.

“I understand and, while my agreement is not required, I agree wholeheartedly with you Master” I responded emphatically.

“For the rest of your life, or at least so long as you remain married to me, you’ll always refer, with a respectful tone, to any female you meet as ‘Goddess’. I don’t care their age, their race, their education level, their sexual orientation, their tit size, their IQ, or whether you think they’re not deserving, especially if you think they’re not deserving. Every single female you meet is a Goddess to you, is that clear?” she demanded.

“Yes Master” I replied.

“You’ll only cease referring to them as ‘Goddess’ if they demand you do so. In that case, ask them how they’d like for you to reference them, and then follow their desire on the matter. The only thing you may never call them is ‘Master’”, she said with emphasis as she looked up at me with a steady gaze. “You’ve only one Master.”

Her gaze lingered on me for a moment to emphasize her point.

“I realize that the female sex has many members, some of whom can be rather nasty. It’s never your place to school them. If it ever comes to it, defend yourself against serious physical violence directed towards you from a female. Otherwise, you’ll always be polite, respectful, and turn the other cheek. If you feel you have a situation that needs to be dealt with, let me know and I’ll take care of it for you. I realize you likely could have managed the situation, but because I never want to see you exhibiting disrespect to a member of the female sex. I’ll not tolerate it, even if it’s clear she’s the one in error. If you do, you will suffer severe punishment. If the female is in the wrong, leave her to me. Is this clear?”

“Yes ma’am” I responded.

“I’ve compiled a list of six slave positions you’re to learn immediately. However, there’s one I wish you to learn today.”

“When I call you, and only when I call you, and we’re in private or with friends, you’re to approach till you’re standing within five feet and then kneel and prostrate yourself facing me. You’ll always do this when called unless I’ve specifically given you other directions. To prostrate yourself you’ll get on your knees and bow low before me with your arms outstretched, palms together and on the ground. Your hands should be 12-24 inches from my feet. I want your knees as wide apart as you can get them while keeping your thighs as near vertical as possible. I’ll expect your ass in the air, your forehead on the ground, and your arms outstretched. Don’t assume a position that hurts or risks injury. I know some that use difficult positions to assess their submissive’s resolve, but I simply want you to show me the respect, love, and devotion I’m due. I don’t need physical heroics and I don’t need you broken. On the other hand, if I witness a truly sloppy presentation, I’ll beat you till you’re black and blue. If you perform the position properly it’ll convey your submission and allow me easy access to all areas of your body, and especially the genitals you carry for me. Do you have any questions about this?” she asked.

I answered, “My only question is in regard to what friends would I do this in front of and which would I not?”

“You will prostrate yourself in front of all friends. Are there people for whom you would prefer to not show your love and devotion to me?” she asked as she looked at me intently.

“No Master. As I know you must understand, it will be tricky introducing older friends to our new arrangement, without the risk of alienating them. That is all I was thinking” I responded.

“These are close friends, or more distant ones?” she asked.

“I was thinking of close friends.”

“Did you not invite them to the wedding? Were they not there?”

“Yes Master, they were at the wedding” I replied.

“Then I think, when they witnessed me securing a leash to the cage around my cock, they got the idea” she stated flatly.

“I understand” I said as I bowed my head in submission.

“Good. Then have the other positions memorized by end of day tomorrow. Once you know the positions by name, you’ll demonstrate your knowledge to me. Set up a demonstration session for us the day after tomorrow. Also, for some of the positions I’ll establish a subtle hand signal so that I can direct you when voice commands aren’t possible or desirable” she explained, “and I’ve two other hand signals I wish to teach you for ‘stay’ and ‘leave me’, we’ll cover all of these after your demonstration”.

She searched her notes before finding the next topic. “You’re to never wear clothing in our residence. This means our home, any hotel rooms, and even the rooms we stay in when we visit our parents. This has several implications and presents two potential problems.”

“I want you naked to remind you that you have nothing except what I give you. I want you naked because I like looking upon you, not only for my sexual pleasure but also because I enjoy being reminded that I’m the Master. ‘It’s good to be the Queen!’” she chuckled to herself.

“I expect you to always keep yourself clean. This means body washed, hair trimmed, errant hairs plucked, my cock and balls waxed, ass waxed, nails cut, manicured would be great, skin moisturized, teeth brushed, and mouthwash used regularly.”

“You’ll not normally be allowed to sit on furniture in my presence, except at mealtimes. When you sit on furniture, you’ll locate a hand towel, in this case an ‘ass-towel’,, and place it under you. Remember which side goes up if it is to be reused.” From now on, it’s expected you’ll take care of this detail when, and if, I allow you to sit on the furniture.”

“Normally, when in my presence you will be standing, on your knees, or sitting on the floor at my feet. If at any time you’re experiencing any gastrointestinal issues that you believe make it unwise to go without something around your waist, come to me and I’ll supply you with a diaper. I’d suggest, if you’d prefer to avoid wearing a diaper, that you watch what you eat very carefully and that you get regular exercise” she said, smiling as she looked up at me from her notes. “And if you are required to wear a diaper, I will be very unhappy.”

“When you use the guest bathroom, the only bathroom open to you in this house, you’ll leave the doors open, always. I’d have the doors removed completely but guests will need their privacy when they use the facilities. So, whether I’m home or not, these doors will stay open as you shower, shave, piss, shit, and whatever else you do in there. Understand?” she asked.

“Yes Master” I replied, crestfallen. “Master, what if family or friends are visiting?” I asked.

“The doors are to always stay open” she informed me. “I suggest you go before they arrive and learn how to hold it, if this is a concern”.

She stopped for a moment, cocked her head slightly and looked at me. “You do understand that you will always be naked in this house, correct?”

The import of her words suddenly hit me. “Oh” was all I could muster.


“I mean that I now understand Master.”

“You said that before, but clearly you did not understand.”

“You are correct, Master, I now truly understand” I replied.

“Ok then, back to cleanliness. Simply said, your body should be fuckable anytime I or anyone I provide access, desires it. The only parts of your body that I’ll accept as being dirty at any given moment are the soles of your feet” she explained. “I do understand that while performing chores you’ll get sweaty and dirty. I expect you to clean up immediately once chores are complete” she added.

“I do expect you to do some chores, but I’m hiring a maid service to perform the weekly tasks. You will perform daily tasks such as taking out trash, cooking, and cleaning of kitchen. Leave the maids alone, and try to avoid scaring them with your nakedness if you can. I will explain to them that you’re harmless and secured, but let’s not aggravate the hired help, shall we?” she said with a mischievous smile.

Anyone who enters my home will see you naked. If they don’t like it, they shouldn’t enter my home. But there will be people who come to the door, or can see into the windows, who don’t have a choice in the matter.

“As for the first problem your nakedness will present, I want you to install this hook behind the front door” she ordered, as she handed me a simple hook and its mounting hardware. “Then, you’ll place this upon the hook” she said as she handed me, with a barely concealed smile, a bundle of something pink, silky, and frilly. “Any time you must answer the door, you’ll don this, to cover your nakedness, then remove it once the door is closed again, and hang it back up on the hook”

My heart sank. I took it and held it up in front of me spread out. It was a cheaply made polyester baby doll dress made in my size. Most likely, it was a Halloween bin sale item. I had no words. I was, quite literally, in shock. I sat there looking at it, mouth agape. Master’s face was safely hidden on the other side of the dress as I realized I had only two choices: wear this when answering the door or get a divorce. I held it up a little longer than necessary as I worked to collect myself. I eventually responded, as I lowered the robe, “thank you Master, it’s lovely, I look forward to wearing it for you”. I could see the laughter in her eyes. Her eyes softened and she reached out a hand and gently grasped the side of my head in a loving way.

“When you’ve served me well for a time, I’ll grant you a new robe, a more dignified one, and retire this one.” Her promised seemed sincere.

“And as to the second problem, I expect you to either close the sheers or avoid windows when the ambient lighting inside is greater than that outside. You’ll always be naked in our home, but I don’t need the police at my door because a neighbor became offended. Use common sense. You can be constantly naked and yet arrange to not be seen through the windows” she lectured. “And you’ll put on clothes to go onto the balcony or to take out the trash, but they come off immediately once you come back inside. The baby doll dress is just for answering the door” she said. As if that made it all ok.

“Look, in general, you will be just as you are now most of the time. When we have friends or family over, I am almost certainly going to dress you to the nines to show you off. And I’m almost certainly going to allow you to close the restroom doors during those occasions. But you need to come to grips with the fact that Ill do what I damn well please, and if you taking a shit while a crowd mingles around you is what I want, then it’s going to happen. You should assume that you’ll be buck naked and shitting openly, and then feel appreciated if it doesn’t come to be. Because you’re here to do what?”

“To serve and make you happy Master”

“Damn right” she said with a loving smile.

“Would you like to fuck me right now?”

“Yes Master, I would love to!”

“Stand up” she commanded, before opening the lock on the cage.

“Pour me a glass of wine and bring it here before going to clean yourself up. Bring the lube when you come back and a towel.”

I pour her wine as she asked and brought it to her before heading for the restroom. I cleaned the cage, the ring, and her cock and balls. I fetched the lube and two hand towels on my way back, already sporting full wood.

“That looks nice” Master commented as I came back in the room. She had bent over the back of a chair. Clearly I was to take her from behind. “Get to work boy” she commanded.

I lubed up, slid into her with minimal effort, and began thrusting. She was reading on her phone in one hand, and holding the wine in the other, so I fucked slowly.

Her cock had not demanded her attention apparently, as she kept reading and sipping her wine for over 15 minutes and I slowly fucked her and strained to avoid orgasm. She’d learned that bored/ignored sex turned me on occasionally and she was clearly doing it here to tease me before she let me orgasm.

After a few more minutes, she put down her phone and wine, and commanded me to go faster.

I felt her begin to respond, and realized she’d pullet a bullet vibe from her purse and was using it on her clit as I fucked her.

She began to heave and moan. I was struggling to not orgasm and wasn’t sure how much longer I’d last. Her moaning was loud now, and I realized she was being wracked by multiple orgasms.

She suddenly reached behind her and grabbed my wrist. “Stop. I can’t take any more. Stop.”

She confirmed what I already suspected. I knew this wasn’t a review, so I shouldn’t have raised my hopes, but I’m a guy, I can’t help it. “Thank you. Pull out and take a shower to clean off that lube. Cold water only. Then put your cage back on, lock it and return to me. Touch my cock in pleasure and I swear I’ll cut the thing off, or make you wish I had.”

And so I took a very cold and very long shower before securing her cock again and seeking out my Master.

“Master” I said as I lay prone on the ground in front of her, as she stood above me.

“So tell me about your shower”

“I did as you asked and did not touch your cock in pleasure”

“Yes, I know. Thank you for your obedience.” she said as she walked around me.

“I’ve installed a video monitor in the bathroom so I can watch you, and speak to you if I want, while you use the restroom. So I saw how much you struggled to obey be. This is why you took such a long shower, correct?”

“No Master. My obedience was never in question. I simply needed time to let my lust subside.”

“Look up at me” she commanded.

I looked up and she was smiling warmly. “Thank you for those orgasms, they were wonderful! And I know what that took out of you. I’m so proud of you.”

“Stand up please”

As I did, she unlocked the cage and removed it and the ring, and began to stroke her cock gently.

“I’m going on my knees for you now, something I rarely do, so enjoy this” she said as she removed her blouse and her bra before kneeling in front of me.

“Cum on my tits” she commanded as she stroked my cock, “and look at me!”

I wish I could say that I held out and made it last, but she clearly had other plans as she inserted a lubed finger into my ass and fucked me gently as she stroked.

I came all over her tits and her chin. She was smiling the entire time and her eyes were full of love and mirth.

“You are my good boy” she cooed, “such a good boy”. She slowed her hand, but kept gently stroking and squeezing her cock from the base upwards, as she tried to get all of my semen out of me.

She stopped finally and lay softly back on the floor pillows. and said softly, “You know what to do, so get to it…”

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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By 27
An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

