An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Porn Addiction

[I want to start by saying that no matter how I may express myself in this post, I empathize and feel for people who are, or believe themselves to be, addicted to porn. I realize some of my phrasing may convey a lack of such empathy, but I genuinely do care and hope they find the help they need]

NPR: Masturbation abstinence is popular online. Doctors and therapists are worried

I cannot find the words to express my astonishment at this. Here are the ‘cliff notes’ if you do not wish to read the nice, but admittedly long article: lots of social discussion on the “good” of not masturbating, and how porn ‘addiction’ is driving lost souls to this. (there’s more to the story, but that’s my headlines).

W.T.F.F?! (what the fuckitty-fuck?, if you’re wondering)

I was born in an age of magazines, and then grew up through the explosion of the Internet. I have been happily jacking off for decades. I have never, not once, not even as a brief but fleeting thought, ever thought I was addicted to porn. And I will never stop masturbating. I think I’d explode if I did (not really, but really).

I’m sure Master may have felt, at times, challenged by my porn watching; feeling, as one woman in the story said, that it affected her self-image. I think we grew beyond that.

I think my perspective derives from the way I view real sex and porn. There is no time, no minute, no hour, no day, no year, both in the past or the future, that I have or will ever prefer to watch porn than have real sex with Master. This has never happened and I can’t imagine it ever happening. In fact, as I have said, I actually get a little angry when I masturbate because I’d rather be with Master.

But at times my perceived need greatly outstripped Master’s ability to provide, and so porn provided a steam-valve to let go some pressure. I can see, even in that situation how a male might abuse it I suppose. But I have never had a problem separating the fantasy of porn and the real thing, or had a problem identifying that real live interaction with a human being was not even in the same universe as jerking off.

I can see how it might be addicting to use porn and be able to call up exactly the kind of scene that you’re most interested in, versus the unpredictability of a real experience. But even the worst real experience has always beat the best porn experience. And I have had some really bad ‘real experiences’.

I mean, Master and I have had angry sex before and, while I don’t want that to happen too often, I will always prefer even that over any porn (and sometimes I prefer that over non-angry sex; …variety is the spice of life).

I do find it funny that, due to my specific taste in porn, and the scarcity of the kind of video porn I want, I have moved back to photography and away from video. I’m free to read so much into a still image, and so I do. Videos don’t leave a lot to the imagination, you just have to hope the video aligns to the fantasy you’re seeking.

Of course, all of this is moot now, what with Master’s cock caged. And, for the record, I used to masturbate on average of 17 times a week. It varied from 2 to 4 times a day, normally with days off when I had real sex; for a daily average of ~2.5 times. Some days not at all. It just all depended on ability to do so. But on days I did not masturbate I didn’t get the shakes or even think on it to be honest. And on days I masturbated three times, I have never once thought I was a glutton or addicted. It just meant I had some free time, I was horny, and apparently Master was not available.

That I don’t have a masturbation or porn addiction is not a sign I’m better in some way. It simply means my demons lie elsewhere.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

