An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Does Sexual Desire Corrupt Objective Thinking?


You know, sometimes, I don’t know if I have a point or I’m just talking bullshit. This is one of those times. I can promise I’m genuine. I may, in the end, be over thinking things or talking myself in a circle, but I genuinely had the following topic on my mind and just wanted to capture my thoughts. I mean, I’m not getting paid here, so it’s not as if I have to post or write a lot because I get paid by the word. It’s just me, trying to be open, honest, and inquisitive.

Sourced from, Artist Unknown

One of the things I occasionally think about is whether I delude myself when it comes to how much I respect and admire the female sex. Some might say I have a conflict of interest.

Do I really respect and admire the female sex and truly wish to serve them, or is it just a fetish that’s all about getting myself off?

In reading my blog, the lines are blurred. I speak of respect and love for Master, and a desire to selflessly serve, but I also speak of our covenant and how I have carved out what I require to feel loved and cared for (the intimate kinky sex). So, is this about selfless service or is it about me getting my kink off?

This thought, when it arises, has a half-life measured in milliseconds. Because for me, there is really is no conflict.

I love women. I think the female sex is the superior one in many ways. I wish the world was governed by women. I think males are inferior to women. I’m not going to justify that because, well, it’s my blog and I don’t have to. Also because it’s not something I could ever prove, it’s just an opinion. It’s a genuinely held belief, but I have no interest in convincing someone to join my religion or in debating a hypothetical. One day, if it ever happens, we’ll find out. Until then, I’ll live and die holding onto this belief.

My respect for the female sex does not extend to each and every woman. I have met some real cunts in my life. But in general, the female sex is the fairer. And there are many good men out there, make no mistake. It’s less about me being down on men than on being up on women. But I’d gladly cull a significant portion of the male population and whistle as I worked. Overall, and overwhelmingly, I favor the female sex. And this is not because they give me a rise.

I see no conflict between respecting women and wanting them sexually. Yes, I’ve been a schmuck and guilty of telling a woman what she wanted to hear so I could get laid. I carry shame for that, as I should. But I can honestly say today that my respect for, and desire to serve, women is foundational, genuine, and is separate from my desire to have sex with them. It stands alone, on its own.

I find women generally more intelligent, thoughtful, openly emotional, nurturing, and loving. They are works of art; beauty personified. These are all qualities that I feel make them superior to men. Just because men have more muscle mass on average and carry a pack of seeds in their crotches, does not make them superior, or even equal.

Artist and Title Unknown; Sourced from

The World In Which I Wish I Lived

I fully believe men should be second class citizens, and that includes myself as well. I don’t want to see men treated poorly, but I do wish we lived under laws created by women. I wish I lived in a world where governments were populated only by women, from city to state to federal to the United Nations. I wished I lived in a society where men were kept in chastity and laws existed that came with hefty fines for men in public out of chastity. I’d love to live in a society where men were owned by women. Men could do and be whatever they wanted, provided their owner supported them; except be part of any governing body. Men could not vote. They would be the property of women, and each woman would vote for the household. Male children would be the property of their mothers, until they reached the age of adulthood and the mother placed them with a suitable female owner.

Sardax; Sourced from

Men are not bought or sold in this society. They are birthed, loved, cared for, place in chastity at puberty, and assigned to a suitable woman as soon after puberty as possible. Males serve their female owners and their female owners would have final say on every aspect of their lives.

Chastity would be required for the life of the male. Temporary removal of the chastity device would be at the owner’s discretion. If a female owner preferred her males be completely unfettered when at home, then she may do so. Others might choose to only remove it for copulation or other sexual activity. Even others might not copulate with their males at all and, instead, loan them to other females for copulation. But at no time are males allowed out of chastity in public. Both the male and his female owner would be subject to extreme penalties and even jail time for failure to keep the male in chastity in public. Males who repeatedly violated these laws would be at risk of castration; with castration automatic in violent crimes and those against women. Males would be required to go naked or only wear loincloths in public, so that their chastity state could be confirmed by any female easily and quickly. A female would only have to order “lift” to prompt the male to lift his loincloth so that she might confirm his chastity state.

Artist is Bernard Montorgueil; Sourced from

A female could own as many males as she could support and control. A female could copulate with any male she wanted, provided their owner allowed it.

And this is not an erotic fantasy for me. While there is obviously an erotic element, when I think on this, it is not the sex or the dominant women I dwell upon. It is the world at large that warms my heart. I see a fairer, more loving world overall. Not perfect mind you; women are not immune to some of the same challenges men face, but I think those issues are more tempered. I don’t imagine a world without wars or conflict. But I imagine all things would be more tempered, more quickly resolved, and that there would be fewer such events. I do not see perfection in women, nor do I see a complete lack of it men. I just believe the world would be a better place if women ruled and men served.

Artist and Title Unknown; Sourced from

As if my blog is not proof enough, I would genuinely love to be the property of a woman. Obviously, there exist many women for whom I would not wish to be their property. First on my list would be lesbians. I’m a male, with a sex drive that needs to be addressed if I’m to be whole and happy. I’d gladly serve a lesbian if there was a solution to my sex drive that did not involve me having sex with another woman’s male; maybe my lesbian owner would loan me to other women regularly for sex. Beyond sex, I need intimacy. While it’s possible I could find intimacy with a lesbian owner, some part of me doubts it as I acquire most of my intimacy through sexual play.

Also, women are not all saints, there are some real cunts out there; at least in our timeline there is. Hopefully my mother placed me well and I’m not owned by a cruel and sadistic woman. I accept a beating as a submissive male, but for just cause, even if that cause is my owner’s need to get her sadistic itch scratched. But if it’s only because of a black heart, then I’d rather slit my wrists. So yes, my panacea has hiccups. But I also wonder how many women would be real cunts if their sex was in power, their men kept in chastity, they could largely walk the streets without fear, and they controlled their own destiny? Surely there would still be some cruel and hateful women, but I’d like to think a lot of women who are that way today would have never become so if they had not had to suffer a life where they were repressed and treated as sexual prey. I also expect a female-led society to be more balanced in economy; with little to no poor, and no overly rich bitches. As a result, hopefully lack of desperation makes for a happier populace overall.

As you can see, I’ve thought about this quite a lot.

New Femdom City from

It goes without saying that I do not speak for all men. I’m confident about 99.999% of them would disagree with me, and vigorously. All I can say is, this is the world I wish I lived in, as either a male or a female.

If I were a woman, living in this fantasy, I would only own a male for his strength and possibly his seed. If I planned to procreate, I would likely borrow a stud from one of my friends. So, I’m not sure if I’d even own a male at all. My sex life would be with other women unless I was procreating; and even then that could be accomplished without me being mounted.

“She directed the jets onto the prepared tissue” by Bernard Montorqueill, from his book “Dressage followed by A spicy brunette: The Gardens of Delights and Torments”; Sourced from

But I say all of this as a male living our current reality. I obviously can’t fathom what it’s like to be female and to have the instinctive drivers that cause them to desire coupling with males. I can only assume that if I were female that I’d have those same instinctive drivers. I just hope I’d have what it takes to overcome them (e,g, be lesbian). My heart might change if I came to own a good loyal male. But I’d likely never commit to my male; trading my owned males after a time for variety and to see if I couldn’t do better.

If not clear, women would raise all children, employing their male as they saw fit. But, as society and government would be run by females, the business landscape and laws would be tailored to support women. Remote work, breast-feeding, and a promotion/authority structure that assumes a female will be having children every nine months. Everyone takes three solid, continuous months off every year, regardless of sex. Females giving birth would use this time to birth and bond with their offspring. Males, and females who are not giving birth that year, would be forced to take a 3-month stretch as well. During these three month periods, laws exist against “checking in” and “keeping in touch” with the office. In other words, the workforce is managed such that it expects members to be gone three solid months at a time and no contact will occur during that time between the business and a vacationing employee. This goes for CEOs, board members, all the way down to new hires; everyone. Males and non-birthing females get no advantage in the workforce and their careers. Females can require that their owned-male take his three months to stay home and tend to her children.

“Pt sc3” by Amlensky; Sourced from

Females may couple with, and be impregnated by, her male, or the male of any other woman who allows her to do so. A woman may have children from different men, even as she requires her owned males to raise them all equally; even if none of them are theirs. Males would have no legal connection to their offspring, however visitation rights may be arranged if the female owners involved agree to do so. There is no desire to estrange a male from his offspring, but there is also no desire to encourage it. Male children will be raised with matriarchal views.

Every female has the right to own at least one male.

If, for a given region, there are more males than females, the regional supervisor will search adjacent regions to see if there are any male shortages. If there are, the mothers of the males will be connected with the available females in those regions for assignment. If there are no available females in adjacent regions, the names of the males will be added to a lottery which can be played by all females of the region. When a female wins the lottery, she will be recognized as having the right to own two males and the male she won will be assigned to her. At no time will any female own more than two males; therefore such women would be ineligible for future lotteries unless one of her males was reassigned or died.

Artist and Title Unknown; Sourced from

If a region has females who desire to own a male, but there are not enough males to assign her one, her name will be added to rolls so that if adjacent regions report availability she might be assigned a male. In the meantime, a drawing will be made, using the names of owned males in her immediate area. Once a drawing is performed, she will be provided with limited usage rights for an owned male in her area. Whether her need be for housework, childcare, copulation, or procreation, she will be granted limited time each week in which the male will visit her household and provide such services. Once the female is eventually assigned a permanent male, her temporary usage rights will be revoked. In addition, on recognizing the potential for a male drought, the regional authority may provide bonuses for male births for a limited time. Genetic manipulation shortly after conception, if chosen by the mother, can alter the sex of the embryo. Females may not simply elect to change the sex of their child at will. The regional authority maintains control over population balance between males and females. However, regional catastrophes might create an imbalance in the sexes. For example a disease that only affects males, or an accident that kills a truckload of male workers. These things happen and incentives may need to be provided to encourage impregnated females to change the sex of their child to bring a balance back to the region, or even to simply have more children.

While regional processes normally alleviate any disparity in population demographics, sometimes problems might persist. If so, there exists a federal agency that will reassign available males across the country to resolve regional droughts. In general, the population balance is self-healing, but there are processes in place to assure at least a 1-to-1 ratio of females to males and, in times of plenty, even a 1-to-1+ ratio where there are more males than females.

“Pt sc02” by Amlensky; Sourced from

All females are required to undergo Regional certified training before they acquire their first male.

Females owners who come to realize they own homosexual males may choose to copulate with their homosexual males if they desire, but depending on his nature may find the male unable to perform. In cases where the female owner wishes to procreate with her homosexual male, and he is unable to perform in the traditional manner, she may take her male to a clinic to have his sperm removed surgically, or with manual assistance, and impregnated within her. Additionally, any female wishing to copulate or perform other sexual activities with her male, upon realizing he is homosexual, may submit her name for limited assignment of local heterosexual males to meet her needs. She might look to trade her homosexual male to a lesbian owner, in exchange for the lesbian’s heterosexual male. Of course, if the female owner of a homosexual male is able to make accommodations with friends in her area, the authorities matching services need not be used. In general, it is advisable to place homosexual men with lesbian owners. Owners of homosexual males are advised to seek out homosexual males in their immediate area. With the male’s approval, copulation between the males shall occur at the owner’s discretion.

As I said before, I’ve given this a lot of thought.

Title and Artist are Unknown; Sourced from

There are two negatives I have perceived in my fantasy, so far. (there are, in actuality, billions of issues with it, but it’s my fantasy and I like it! 😉

The first negative is that of male self-determination, or rather the lack of it. I don’t mean to stymie the ability for men to become what they desire; outside of being part of the governing infrastructure. But for women to do as they wish, many will require that their men stay at home and raise the children. Perhaps with work-from home options, between the male and the female, both can pursue full careers of their choice. But not all jobs can be done work-from home; in fact, many cannot.

“Shop Looter Punishment In Ukraine” by Amlensky; Sourced from

Another possibility is that, as a result of this new world order, perhaps what will spring up are companies who are skilled at raising children and who employ a wide range of males and females who have an interest in this. As a female-led society, I would expect that such companies would be held to the highest standards. If so, this also might free up females to allow their males to serve in the wider workforce, whether that be in childcare or elsewhere. But in the end, when there is a conflict and the female needs her male to perform childcare, he will perform childcare.

But I could not remove the possibility that many males, subject to their female owners, would not be allowed to self-determine their careers. Quiet honestly, I would be content, as I see a greater good in all of this. But many men would likely grow disgruntled.

Artist and Title Unknown; Sourced from

It goes without saying that whether it is rape, murder, physical abuse, or other serious male crime, the punishment would need to be significant in order to keep the male population in line. They are the more aggressive sex after all. With no joking intended, I believe castration is the answer. Not only would it be a significant deterrent but if executed, it has the added benefit of calming the males afterwards. As a male who likes his cock, this would scare me into being compliant. But if you have an overly aggressive male, this is a near certain fix for that aggression. But it denies its owner of the right of procreation, not only due to castration but also because of the male’s assured incarceration. This could be solved by extracting and storing the male’s sperm before castration.

Males who are incarcerated for violent crimes, or crimes against women, are never again assigned to a female. They are castrated, collared, and become wards of the state until their death. They are put to use on work farms; treated well, but kept separate from society. Any further acts of violence from them and they are euthanized immediately.

“Pt sc04” by Amlensky; Sourced from

If any male offspring were produced as a result of prior procreation with such males, a flag is placed on the records of the offspring and they receive closer monitoring by the Regional Authority for the remainder of their lives. They need never know, and female owners are not proactively notified of the male’s heritage or of this additional monitoring. It is performed quietly and with the hope that the additional monitoring proves uneventful. If signs of aggression are detected in such offspring, only then will the female owner be notified. If the aggression is significant, the Regional authority will demand castration in order to reduce the chance the male will act further on his unchecked aggression. Castration is also performed to prevent procreation and the lending of aggressive genes to yet a new generation. However, so long as no violent crimes have occurred, the castrated male offspring may remain with his female owner.

Female owners maintain responsibility for their males until either the death of the female or the male. There are only three ways a female may rid herself of a male. The first is if she trades him with another female, with full records submitted and authorized by the Regional Authority. The second is if he dies. The third is if he performs a violent crime or a crime against women. For violent crimes he will be removed permanently. For smaller infractions, he will receive reeducation and then be returned.

Photographer Unknown; Sourced from

No free males will exist. On the death of his owner, a male may be reassigned, or he may become a ward of the state. If the now deceased female owner had female offspring and they are of age, they will receive right of first assignment of the male should they so choose. Should the deceased female have had multiple female offspring, the option will be presented to the eldest and then in descending order through the offspring. If no female offspring elects to take on the male, the Regional Authority will attempt to place the male with available females within the region. Barring that, the male will become a ward of the Region and be assigned a work-farm.

All males that become wards of the Regional Authority are immediately and automatically castrated to reduce aggression and because no sexual activity is allowed for such males. They live out the remainders of their lives as eunuchs, serving the good of the state. They are treated well otherwise; fed well, given clothing (castrated males may wear clothing provided it is designed to always reveal the eunuch’s castrated state), and they are given purpose. Male’s who choose to rebel and not serve a purpose are allowed to do so, but historically such resistance has been found to be short-lived. Their lowered aggression and good treatment tend to cause such rebels to come around and appreciate having a purpose to their lives.

Photographer Unknown; Sourced from

I’d also hope that males, raised in a female-led society would be more behaved and less aggressive that they are now in our timeline. However, I have to admit that in the timeline in which we live, we do need some of that aggression to perpetuate the species.

Which brings me to the second perceived flaw in my fantasy. Just as I stated what I would do if I came back as a woman, which is be a lesbian, so might many other women. And therein the problem lies. Left to women, the human race might just die out. It is precisely because of male sexual aggression that we exist today in our timeline; this would seem to be as nature intended.

Photographer Unknown; Sourced from

A possible solution is that given power, safety, and freedom, women might come to want to fuck as much as men. Maybe women will grow to become sexually aggressive in this case. Or, even if not, perhaps the cooler and more intelligent heads of women will see the problem and pass laws that ensure that proper population counts are maintained. Perhaps incentives given to women who agree to procreate. I think this likely has a solution, but if the sex drive of modern women in today’s timeline were repeated in this fantasy timeline, humanity would likely be doomed after a few centuries.

I’ve often told Master, if I come back as a female I’d fucking rule this world (I mean this in spirit, not in actual fact). But that is me, taking my male mentality and drive and imagining it in a body that men would die to possess (but never would). If I come back as a female, the male drive I have now is almost certainly not going to exist within me, even if I have a body they’d kill each other to fuck.

“The Beach” by Sardax; Sourced from

Back to the Original Point of this Post

Leaving the fantasy and returning to my original message, my desire to serve a woman is founded on a blend of my respect for the female sex and my erotic desires. I do not see a conflict with that blend. And finally, my erotic desires for kinky sex with females, sex that is based in power exchange dynamics, is also a blend, but of my respect for women and my desire to serve.

So, the desire to serve and the desire for kinky power-exchange sex are both related and stem from my foundational respect for the female sex. But that respect is the foundation of everything and it stands alone and is not dependent on or influenced by my sexual drive.

It is because of this that I know this is not just some overly complicated way for me to get my rocks off. If all I wanted was to get laid, I could find a partner quickly. If all I wanted was to feel someone dominate me, that service is also readily available. All of the complication and uncertainty I face in trying to establish an FLR with Master would not be worth it to me if those were the only things I was after.

I respect Master. I love Master. I want Master to have and experience anything and everything she desires. I would like to be, if not the provider for, at least the enabler of Master’s dreams. If I can do a thing that directly helps Master to realize a dream of hers, I want to do so. If I can’t do that, then I want to do something that indirectly supports her achieving her dreams. I want to do whatever I can to support her.

If me doing all the housework means she now has time to pursue a dream, whatever that dream may be, then I not only want to do all the housework, but I’ll also look around for other ways I can save her time. That she might appreciate my efforts and reward me is nice, but it’s not what drives me. That said, if I performed for her again and again, and she never showed appreciation, I must admit I would become disheartened. This is because, surprise surprise, I’m not an actual slave, ‘I just play one on TV’. No, in reality I’m a submissive male in a relationship with a dominant female. We should be fulfilling one another, as well as ourselves together. When I serve her, I help her and I take great happiness from it, for many reasons. When she engages with me and really puts herself into it, she fulfills me. What we each do also strengthens our overall relationship.

Master looks at our relationship and sees me providing the lion’s share of effort, while she takes and gives relatively little back in return; or so her perspective seems to me. But I do not see it that way. Sure, using certain select metrics I can see how that view might be had. But I use different metrics, and in my calculations, I will never be able to pay her back for the life she sacrificed for me. She and I did not communicate well and she was forced to live decades in misery. I was not evil, and I had no mal-intent. She just married the wrong guy. I will feel that life-debt until I die. If I’m perfect in every way, for the rest if my life, serving her in all things, doing my utmost to put her first and to help her realize some of her lost dreams, it will be like a drop of water added to an empty lake bed. I have ruined her life. I’m not man enough to sacrifice all of my happiness in favor of hers. But I also don’t think that’s the best way to achieve the most good for her in the time I have left. I believe that maintaining a positive relationship, but one that favors her needs and desires over mine, is the best way to achieve long-term results. And so, using my calculus and my metrics, what we are doing is more than fair to me.

To be sure, I have my own story. But I don’t care. As I enter into the last decade or so of my life, I want my purpose to be her. I measure my success each day by how happy I can make her, not by how happy I am. I measure my success in bed as how many orgasms I can provide her, not how many I experience. I measure my overall success by how many times she smiles where I was the reason for the smile.

The only reason I have ‘requirements’ in our covenant is so that we set aside time where she can show me how successful I have been. My love language is sex, specifically kinky, deeply intimate, sex. In talking to me in that language, she lets me know if I am succeeding or whether I can do better.

So, for me, it’s ok if it’s all wrapped up together. I don’t respect or serve her because of the sexual intimacy she provides. While I do hope to earn her favor and experience intimate sex with her, that desire does not drive the other realities. Safe in this knowledge, I do not censor myself when I write this blog; I both respect Master and at the same time wish to be cradled by her.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

