I’m not sure I really have any true fetishes, at least not by the standard definition. But if I have one, CFNM (Clothed-Female, Naked-Male) is it. Yet another aspect of my sexual psyche that I can’t explain.
I mean, I get the basic interest for someone like me, but what exactly it is that turns me on is not perfectly clear. The contrast of clothed vs not, authority vs vulnerable, is a powerful one for me. Sadly, with our domestic situation, I rarely get to experience it. And Master has been clear that attending swinger parties, dungeons, or playing with individuals is a hard ‘no’. So, for now, I enjoy it as fantasy and experience it through the imagery of others.

I have many images of clothed women with naked men. However, the most powerful imagery to me is where there is nothing happening; where the man simply is kept naked and vulnerable while the fully clothed woman is simply living her life as leader of the household. A domestic scene where the image conveys that this is the norm, not just a special scene or time.
Sadly, such images are rare in my experience. Normally, some sort of interaction is taking place between the male and female, and usually it is sexual or disciplinary. These sorts of images may be more dynamic, but it lessens the impacts of CFNM for me. And the more clothed the woman (or women), the better. I see lots of images of women wearing tank tops and short shorts and, again, it lessens the impact. The point is power vs vulnerability; dominance vs submission. Scantily clad women tending to the sexual fantasies of naked men are not what I look for in CFNM. POWER. VULNERABILITY. SUBMISSION. CONTROL. <singing voice>These are a few of my favorite things!</singing voice>

I wish to see actual domestic images of a woman who wears whatever she wants to wear, living her life as she normally does, with a man in service to her who wears, at most, her cage on her cock and possibly a collar (and if it’s a shock collar, even better).
As an aside, I’m not a fan of images that, to me, depict women serving the sexual fantasies of men. I realize most of the images I have are of that ilk, but I can imagine otherwise. The women who own submissive men are not taking the time to take pictures of their domestic life, even if they have photogenic bodies.
It’s only those in the sex industry who make time for such things. High heels in an image is a virtual automatic pass. Latex is another red flag. There are images I enjoy with such things, but they are rare. To me, this is about women truly being in charge, and not pandering to men. Or, at least, not overly pandering to men. I’m also not a fan of dominatrixes. I’m glad they exist, and I don’t knock them or the men who attend them. But for me, this is a journey of deep intimacy, and I can only do it with one in whom I can place the deepest of trust. Now, I’d gladly attend a dominatrix if I were single and without a Mistress, or if Master agreed to a three-party session. But otherwise, I feel all I’d get is a hollow feeling out of it afterwards. I need the intimacy that BDSM and Kinky bring; that is my sole reason for all of this. If all I wanted was to get laid, it would be so much simpler to jettison kink.
I have hundreds of CFNM images, but what I’ve discovered is that the impact greatens the more naked the male, the more clothed the female, and the more the image is not about sex. The more the image highlights the power dynamic in play, the harder I get 😉
Here are a few of my favorites: