An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Behavioral Modification

using control over Sexual Release…

I believe we should reinstate chastity 24×7, which will provide Master with complete control over my ability to orgasm.

Master’s first option for behavioral change, of course, is outright denial of release.

If displeased with me, as a second option, she can attempt to get me to orgasm while caged. The pain of an erection that is caged and of cumming while caged would absolutely be punishment, not reward; and yet it might satisfy my body’s ‘need’ to release.

Sourced From Tumblr, Artist Unknown, but looks like Sardax

Another option lies in humiliating me as I orgasm. Forcing me to hump her leg for example for my release, forcing me to masturbate under supervision, and/or telling me I can cum, but if I do I will be required to eat my cum. Basically, making me debase myself for my release.

Sourced from, Artist unknown

We begin with one irrefutable truth, which is that what my body most wants is to take its penis, insert it into a vagina, and ejaculate. This is the seed-spreading-biological-imperative that nature made when I was created. So, any action forced by Master that takes me away from that imperative is an act of control by Master over me.

To outright deny me release by keeping me in Chastity is the second worse thing she could do to me. All subsequent actions: making me hump a leg for example, masturbate, or giving me an option to ejaculate but with the requirement to eat my semen if I do, are all variants of lesser degree that use my biological imperative against me.

Sourced from, Photographer Unknown

But the worst thing she could do is make me fuck her, but to deny my release under penalty of eating my semen and being beaten harshly (it must be harsh; if not then I will cum again the next time guaranteed; the imperative is too great for anything but a harsh beating to prevent it).

I have had intercourse and not cum before. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done sexually, and perhaps the hardest thing I’ve ever done, period. Fortunately, on those occasions, Master was gentle with me and seemed to understand that I needed to pace myself. But I’m far from being able to fuck her vigorously and yet still refrain from orgasm. I would love to be able to do this for her so that she could be fucked the way she’d most like with little to no concern for an unwanted orgasm by me. I’d also love to do it as an expression of submission to her.

Short of taking a bullet for her, there is nothing harder for me to achieve that to have intercourse and refrain from doing what every cell of my being is screaming at me to do: let my seed go. Only my love and devotion for Master holding it back.

Sourced from, Artist is Sardax.

Another radical idea for punishment is to pull out the Fucking Machine, attach one of my strokers, load it up with silicone lube, tie me down at the end of the bed, put the stroker on Master’s cock and start the machine. Then, for the next several hours, stimulate me again and again, the machine never stopping, until I am milked dry and my cock and balls are actually hurting from the many repeated orgasms sucking my balls dry. In other words, drain me until it hurts. In this situation, Master can leave and do other things and then come back occasionally to overstimulate me to orgasm and then leave again if she likes. Only real need for Master is to ensure that her cock and the stroker remain well lubed; hopefully the use of silicone lube will ensure that there is no issue there. While this might sound nice, if left until I am milked dry, it will not be a fun experience. I will have experienced sexual release, but I also will experience great discomfort; which is exactly the point, I get what I need in spades till it hurts and I receive my just punishment. I do often dream of being milked dry this way, but I dream of Master being there with me, and when it begins to hurt that she would stop. However. in this torture scenario, Master is not there much, just enough to help put me over the top each time, and to keep it going until she is certain I am completely drained and hurting.

Along these same lines, but yet different enough to call out, is being present and making me cum. But on every orgasm Master ruins it through various means. For example, if she were jerking me off, the moment she feels me begin to orgasm she removes her hand; abandoning her cock. The sudden removal of sensation makes the orgasm go bad. I do get to have sexual release, but the enjoyment of it is taken away. Master has done this to me before, inadvertently, and it hurt very much, in a strange way. I have never forgotten that pain.

Another variant is, at the moment the orgasm begins, for Master to slap her cock and balls hard. Basically, she waits until my body is committed to the orgasm and then she either removes sensation, or applies a non-sexually stimulating sensation that demands my mind pay attention to it. Once again, Master allows my body to meet its perceived ‘need’ for release, but she takes away my ability to enjoy it, as I’m due punishment.

Sourced from, Photographer unknown

Another option is to have intimacy time as usual, with Master telling me that I am free to cum anytime I want. But every time I cum, I will lick it all up, wherever it landed, and swallow it all. So, if I cum inside her, then I have to get it all out with my tongue and, of course, swallow.

I cannot stress enough how badly I do NOT want to eat my own cum. But at the same time, every time i think on it, I get such an erection. It’s not the eating of the cum that gets me hard; it’s the fact that Master is strong enough, firm enough, and resolute enough, to demand it, and I am forced to do it, or to receive a beating so harsh that I will capitulate and not deny her in the future. It’s one of those rare things that I absolutely positively do not wish to do, and yet there is absolutely no reason why I can’t do it. My block to doing it is solely mental. And after a lifetime of demanding women swallow my cum, it also feels like just-due. My only fear is that Master might think I want to do this. I absolutely do not. If Master ever commands me to eat my own cum, she can sit back and watch my face and body reactions and will know that a massive battle is taking place inside me. It’s a battle between the me that wishes to submit to her fully and serve her in all ways, and the dominant me that doesn’t do a damn thing I don’t want to do. When Master makes me clean the kitchen, sweep the floor, or clean her bathroom, etc., there is purpose to those actions. Afterwards, she has a clean kitchen, floor, bathroom, etc. But if she were to make me eat my own cum, there is no purpose except to say, “I fucking own you“, and there is no reason for me to comply except to show that she does, in fact, ‘fucking own me‘, and that I’m hers completely. And it is these thoughts that gets Master’s cock so incredibly hard, every single time I imagine this scene. I’ve even imagined her cuckolding me, and after he cums inside her, she makes me clean her up and swallow all of it. This excites me for the same reasons. While I have never had a problem swallowing the men I went down on, the idea of swallowing a man’s cum that fucked Master is not, it’s safe to say, on my bucket list. But if she demanded it, her cock would get incredibly hard and I would comply. And I’d never forget each and every instance. It’s Master exercising her authority, and doing it in a way that serves no purpose other than to say “you’re my bitch“. And I love that!

If Master is ever squeamish about taking this option, she should just imagine all the women I made swallow my cum, and the many times she felt pressured by me to do the same. If they can swallow it, then there’s absolutely no reason I can’t. And I can assure Master, my abhorrence to swallowing my own cum is FAR greater than her aversion.

Sourced from Tumblr; Artist Unknown

Another option is for Master to de-cage me, tell me that I have 15-30 minutes to jerk off, and then leave and shut the door behind her. I absolutely hate this scenario. Master is allowing a single release, but she is turning her back on me and denying me her company while it happens. I hate masturbating without her (I do it, when uncaged, but I hate it). This is one small reason why I almost prefer being caged. When I’m not caged I masturbate on average twice a day; some days not at all, other days up to four times. I’m sorry to say that I ‘hate’ Master a little more every time it happens. That I am left, without her, to take care of myself, makes me feel very distant from her. All that hate gets wiped away when we spend time together, but in between I’m not happy with Master and feel disconnected from her. On the other hand, if I’m caged, I cannot masturbate, and the cage is like her hands, wrapped around her cock and balls. When caged, I feel she is with me always.

Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

To be clear, however, I do often fantasize about being made to masturbate as Master supervises. It is humiliating, but it is such a better experience emotionally than masturbating alone that there is a place in my heart for it. In my fantasy however, Master talks me, conveying, with full sincerity, her authority and nurturing. It’s the conveyance of authority and ownership that turns me on. Afterwards, we cuddle and of course she tells me how much she loves me.

Sourced from Tumblr; Photographer Unknown

Master can combine any and all of these ideas together as well. Making me hump her leg as she does something else, demanding I lick it all up afterwards and swallow, and then bring a warm cloth to clean away the residue is a perfectly demeaning way to allow release and show her displeasure at the same time.

And, as we started, Master always has the right to outright deny me. My only hesitation about this is that I’ve never been denied in my life. Whether it was girlfriends, one-night stands, hookers, my own hand, or Master, I have always cummed an average of twice a day. I honestly don’t know the physical and psychological outcomes of denying me completely. Perhaps it will all be fine; and this is what I imagine is closest to the truth. But it also might lead to depression and negative outcomes. I just don’t know. In creating this post, what I was trying to do is think through and provide alternatives that were punishing, but yet allowed for a release in order to take care of my body’s natural imperative. In Nature’s eyes, men are little more than semen dispersion systems. The results from denying our bodies that imperative are largely unknown (at least to me). As I can see in the news, even priests go bonkers as a result of denying themselves (fucking idiots if you ask me; and that’s not a commentary on faith, just that they attempt to fight their own natures).

Perhaps I need to cum at least once a week in order to maintain some balance. But if I’ve been a bad boy, then what is Master to do? She doesn’t want to reward bad behaviour, but she also wouldn’t want to deny my body what it needs (if this need is real; which is still unknown). These options give her alternatives that allow for that release, but impart their own punishment.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

