Still lost, but ploughing ahead.

I feel Master needs to commit to being in charge. That she must resist any inclination to relinquish her authority or ownership for any reason. She is either in charge, or she is not; there is no in-between. I desperately wish for her to be in charge. If it comes to be, it is my absolute belief that we will both be our happiest.
When Master makes a rule, I feel she must track compliance and effect punishment if she sees a lack of compliance. Therefore, any rules she creates should be ones she truly cares about. This only applies to longstanding rules (those rules that last for two weeks or more). For rules, directives, and orders she creates in the moment, ones that last only until they are completed, I assume she will be actively keen on those and will be watching and confirming compliance.
Punishment should not be optional if failure occurs. Master has three ways to effect punishment:
- [non-physical] Admonishment, lecture, assignment of additional chores.
- [quasi-physical] If chastity is in place, denial of sexual release for a given period.
- [physical] Corporal punishment.
All are valid, all have their place, and I absolutely consent to all of the above.
Most important of all is that Master must, internally, accept the rationale of all activities (in the context of my compliance). Her authority, her ownership, her rules, the need for compliance, and the need for some form of punishment; all of these she can’t simply do only because I suggested them, she must own her decisions to incorporate them.
Master might envision another kind of life, one without power exchange, but we tried that, and we failed, miserably. This is the life that can bring us closer together and provide us both with great happiness, or so I believe. But we can’t succeed if this is all just a play to Master. Master must walk through every aspect and rationalize it such that she accepts its necessity and benefits. For any aspect she can’t rationalize and come to own, she should not proceed with that aspect.
But we must be cautious about discarding elements. This all hangs together as a whole. To drop one aspect will have significant consequence. For example, if Master does not embrace corporal punishment, then she will have no means for addressing emotional responses when they are triggered. Without the ability to address emotional triggers, she will not feel in charge, nor will I feel that she is in charge, and so begins the complete breakdown of what we’re trying to build here. A delayed response to emotional triggers, or a response that does not attempt to overwrite the emotional connection, is doomed to fail. Emotional responses are not something which can be addressed with a rational approach, as these response themselves are irrational. This is what sets them apart from general failures (such as forgetfulness, or prioritizing what I want over what Master wants).
If Master does not employ chastity, then she has no significant non-corporal means of disciplining. Sure, she can lecture and assign additional chores, but other than my desire to comply, what ensures I will comply with the punishment? Chastity goes to my fundamental biological nature. It will hurt me greatly, in a non-corporal way, to be denied sexual release. Taking a hacksaw and cutting off the lock of my cage is a MAJOR step that I would never do unless I felt Master had abandoned me. My great desire/need for sexual release would cause me to comply and fix the failure that precipitated my denial.
And then, what does Master do when I have failed, but she sees it was an honest simple mistake, not likely to be duplicated? That’s when she has admonishment, lecturing, and possibly assignment of additional chores. Without this, she has no choice but to deny sexual release or effect corporal punishment (assuming those options were retained).
So all three types of punishment are valuable and have their place; the removal of any one of them will have significant negative consequences, or so I feel is the case.
But I perceive Master’s primary problem is one even deeper, and that is her, as of yet, inability to accept leadership.
All I can say is that I have witnessed this authority in her all our lives together. It is only now that it is being identified explicitly that she appears to balk. She has what it takes, and it does not take much.
Master must decide what she wants, convey it, and I conform or receive punishment. She will, I promise, never witness me not wishing to conform. I’m not a ‘brat’; someone who disobeys in order to get attention. I wish to comply. But I am a human being, and as such I’m flawed. Sometimes, I may put my own desires ahead of hers; either knowingly or subconsciously. In general, so long as I feel that Master is in charge, she can expect complete compliance. But I need to regularly feel her authority.
The one area which I do not have control over is emotional outbursts that are rooted in our 25-years of general misery together. I need help in this regard. In this, I am begging for Master’s help. I need her to respond with severe corporal punishment if, and when, such outbursts occur.
But other than this, Master should expect no acts of non-compliance except in cases where I am beginning to feel she is not really in charge. And in these cases, it does not mean deliberate non-compliance, it just means that I am not feeling her authority and so I am left to wonder if any of this matters to her, and so I might as well do what I want.
Let me repeat one very key statement I made above: I am 100% committed to serving Master and making her happy. But I need regular reminders of her authority so that I know she remains engaged and in charge. And regular reminders does not mean necessarily something over-the-top. It can be as simple as calling me to her side and having me kneel and kiss her feet. Or it can be giving me a quick task for which it is clear she could just as easily perform, but she’s doing it to show her authority. Or maybe I speak to her and forget to include an honorific, and she calls me out for it. It is any act that, in its execution, makes it clear who is in charge and who is not.
But Master can do none of this if she does not embrace the fact that I wish to serve her in all ways, and for her to accept her authority and ownership of me. We both fulfil our roles, and we’re going to be golden together!
I also believe Master, outside of any earned reward time, should enforce that all sex is on her terms, her way, and for her benefit, and to not provide me any sexual release. For reward time, it MUST be truly earned; I feel lessened when I sense that I am being given a treat I did not earn. I often get the sense that I am tended to out of some sense of obligation. This should never happen; feeling that way is a negative that will tear away at our relationship. I must earn her favor. I want to believe that she genuinely feels I have earned some of her time and sacrifice. Then, and only then, is when she bends herself a little bit to have sex with me the way that I most like; which means an equal split of physical, emotional, and psychological exploration. The other 160-166 hours of the week, we should live HER WAY, and her way only.
Weight Loss
I have a few ideas I’d like to suggest at our next get-together. This was already captured in my post Fitness & Nutrition.
Weekly Maintenance Beatings
I believe Master should beat me any time she feels it is necessary, but I absolutely feel that a beating should occur every week regardless. I think of it not as punishment, but rather a ceremony that reaffirms her authority and my submission. This is as much for her as it is for me. But Master should not do this if she cannot deliver a severe beating. It doesn’t have to take long, but each beating needs to be memorable, for at least a week. If we’re not both greatly uncomfortable, it is a failure and a waste of time and energy. I need to feel Master’s domination over me, and she needs to witness me submitting to it. If both happen, then we both leave the ceremony confident of the other’s commitment. If it is anything less, we leave disheartened (or at least I know I do).
If we give a scale of 1-10 for severity of corporal punishment, what I mean by ‘severe’, in this case, is a 6-8 level of pain. 9-10 should be reserved for emotional outbursts that need correcting. (as an aside, if we are playing and Master is delivering a ‘funishment’, I still enjoy 7-10 levels of pain, but in funishments it will come with a warm-up and sexual stimulation; the hormones of which will temper the pain.)
These weekly maintenance beatings should be treated with priority, in my opinion, and they should be level 7-8 in pain (so 70-80% of the maximum pain I believe Master can deliver). In truth, I do not know the actual level, but it should absolutely be a level that makes Master very uncomfortable, and demonstrates the length I will go to in my submission to her. It can’t be a forgettable experience for either of us, or it is a waste of time.
Live Her Life
I hope Master does not fall into the trap of thinking this is about her doing some shit she doesn’t like just so we can get together once or twice a week and have sex the way she doesn’t like; all just to keep the peace. And yes, that is how I often imagine her perspective.
This is about her taking charge of her life, making the decisions she wishes to make, with or without my input. It is about her crafting, with what she has, the life she wishes to live. It is about her using me to help her to realize her desires. This is all essential, or I quit. I accept her as my Master because I wish to realize her dreams and desires as well. I take personal pleasure and satisfaction in assisting her to realized her dreams, just as I take pleasure in serving her sexually and bringing her pleasure in other ways. The small favor I ask, in having sex with me my way, is optional for her, and should only happen if I have truly earned her favor. And yes, I want this as well. I need this actually. But just as much, I need her to be in charge and allow me the privilege of supporting her in her dreams and desires. It’s a package deal; this is not just about me and my kinky sexual desires.
Kinky Sex
We must stop having vanilla or near-vanilla sex when Master decides I have earned her favor. I’ve said enough on this in other posts, but bondage and a little light slapping does not the experience-I-seek make. It all feels good of course, but I’m seeking a more emotional and psychological experience for us both. I seek experiences that are equally physical, emotional, and psychological. I realize that this type of sex is challenging for Master but together, we can do this.
But Master must not just ask “what do I have to do?” She needs to instead understand the underlying motivation and desired outcomes. Only then will she truly be part of the experience. And she can do this and still not have these activities be her “favorite thing“.