An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Steve and Olivia: Chapter 05


Javier was born in Spain. I first met him while in Spain as an student exchange. My exchange sister had introduced him to me at a party. I was smitten the first time I laid eyes on him. For me, he embodied all the wonder and mystery that was Spain. And for a naive virgin of seventeen, he excited parts of me I didn’t even know existed. He was handsome, slim, with dark neatly trimmed hair, and a smile that could simply melt me. Thankfully, Javier was a gentle soul, and he’d treated me right back then. But he was also a product of his country and his time, and his machismo and domineering personality had been too much for my budding feminism. My emerging independent self was also too much for him. We remained friends over the years, more than friends when opportunity provided.

Javier immigrated to the US about 10 years ago in his mid-twenties, just a few years after we had our short affair. Luckily for me, he’d settled in the Chicago area. Javier and I fucked from time to time after he moved to Chicago, but there was nothing more between us. We’d not hooked up since Steve and I had become an item. I loved Steve for so many reasons, but despite my heart being squarely with Steve, I could not deny my deep desire for Javier’s cock. I’d occasionally fantasized about having them both in my bed. But I’d always taken the path of least resistance and chickened out of bringing it up with Steve. I truly had no idea how he’d respond if I floated the idea. I guess, tonight, that question was finally about to be answered.

I’d called Javier earlier in the week and we agreed to meet for coffee. After catching up, I explained why I reached out. As Javier listened, I expected him to interject with snide jokes. I was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t and I told him so once I finished.

“That you are asking me this, the seriousness of your tone and the clear need in your voice, tells me that this is something very important to you” he said in his somewhat stilted English with a beautifully silky and sexy southern Spanish accent. “When you and I first met, yes I was a young boy and did stupid young boy things. But I believe I have matured to the point I can sense sincerity and genuine need. I would never make fun of that, and especially when it comes from you” he appeared to state earnestly, as those beautiful brown eyes stared into my soul.

“Thank you” I managed to stammer back in reply as I broke his gaze. “Really, I mean it. I was worried that I might offend you, and I would hate to do that. My hope is that this would also be fun for you. But I would completely understand if you did not want to participate. Also, I was unsure if you might be attached and unable.”

“I have recently been introduced to someone with whom I have some hope that a relationship might develop, but we’ve not yet even been on a date, let alone had sexual relations. So while hope exists on my part, I have no commitment of any sort. The other women with whom I have sexual relations know that it is casual and that there is no commitment. So, as you say, I am unattached. I would be happy to help, and am curious as to the nature of the man to whom you have given your heart. He treats you well?” he asked with sincerity.

“He does. He does very much so. But this need of mine, to be in control of the relationship, has shocked him. I kept that side of me from him. But I believe in him. I have always believed in him, or I would not have spent the last year and a half nurturing our relationship. But I was a coward. Only when he finally pressed me about marriage did I dare to risk talking about my needs. I should have spoken up earlier” I said in a somber tone.

“Nah. The world is changing. No matter when you would have brought this up, it would have been a shock unless he was already woke to the needs of women today. And you need love in your life. I f you told every man you met, at the start, how you felt, you’d be very lonely I would think. That does no one any good.”

“’Woke to the needs of women today’? Are you telling me you’ve changed since we dated?” I asked sincerely with a big smile.

“If I had, would you leave him and come to me?” he asked, catching me by surprise.

“Javier, I love you. You will always be my beautiful Spanish lover with the gift of a blessed dick, and my first. But you will also be the man that first made me aware that I could never be second to any male. I love how you make me feel on the one hand, but on the other I can never forget your alpha nature. So no, I’d fuck my brains out on you, but I will never come back. I hope that doesn’t cause you to change your mind” I added quickly, suddenly realizing my honesty might have cost me his assistance.

“No my love, it doesn’t change my mind. In fact, because of what you have said, I feel great love in my heart for you and great hope for this man you hope to marry. I would love to help you. I just wish it goes as well as you hope. I agree with you there; this will either end your relationship or cement it. But I believe the answer will not come until days later, once he has had time to process.”

Two days later, Thursday evening, Javier and I sat waiting in the living room for Steve to arrive home from work. We heard the door open and close and his keys clang on the counter. Javier and I looked to one another and nodded. The game was now afoot, as it were.

I had never mentioned Javier to Steve, let alone his coming over this evening, and so I knew it was going to be an interesting introduction, to say the least. As we’d waited for Steve to come home, I explained to Javier exactly what I expected for the first half hour. This was a very risky and important thing we were about to do; I didn’t want to leave anything to chance. Once we got past the first half-hour, my heart and libido would take us wherever circumstance allowed.

As Steve came into the living room, he saw Javier and stopped mid-step. I stood and greeted him with a hug and a deep kiss. As I kissed him, I purposefully stroked his cock slowly and gently through his pants in such a way it was clear to Steve that Javier could witness.

“Hey babe, this is Javier, an old flame. Javier, this is Steve, my current flame”. Javier had been prepared for the greeting, so I kept my eyes on Steve. He turned to look at me questioningly as he stepped forward to greet Javier, the erection in his pants clear for all to see.

“Nice to meet you…”, “…same wise”, cordial greetings all round as they shook hands.

I clasped my hands as they greeted, “I’ve ordered out, and the food arrived about 20 minutes ago. Give me just a few minutes to put it on the table and we can all sit down”. “Javier, honey, would you mind pouring Steve a glass of wine? No doubt he’s had a long day, and here now I’ve gone and sprung you on him. He’s in a bit of a state I’m sure and would appreciate a little TLC” I rambled, as I vanished into the kitchen.

Knowing things might be a bit tense in the living room, I raised my voice and kept talking, to keep Steve as comfortable as could be. “Steve, Javier works in Hoffman Estates as a Marketing Executive” I said, from the kitchen. “Who do you work for again Javier?” I shouted. “Remprex” came the distant reply. “They’re a logistics and transportation company” Javier added, the level of his voice indicating his response was clearly directed towards Steve. “How long have you been with them?” I faintly heard Steve ask, as I finished unwrapping the last of the order.

I pulled out plates, silverware, and napkins as I heard polite superficial conversation coming from the living room. After carefully arranging seating, place ware, and food on the far end of the long dining room table I called for the boys to join me. As they approached, I pointed to Steve’s seat across from me, and guided Javier to the seat at the head of the table, between us. “It’s Chinese tonight. I tried to keep it somewhat healthy. ¡Buen Provecho!” I ordered.

For over an hour we ate, drank, and chatted about Spain, jobs, politics, weather, sports, and other recent events. Steve continued to glance at me from time to time with a ‘what’s going on?’ look, but that was to be expected. As I watched, it seemed Steve was warming to Javier. But that could have just been wishful thinking on my part. As we were nearing completion of our first bottle of wine, the conversation turned to how I met each of them. We first discussed Spain and my adventures there. Javier and I had no end of stories to swap, some that included us both and others of memories we each held separately of Spain. That then led to the boys swapping stories about me. At one point, the conversation veered towards me comparing the two of them. “Well, Steve captured me initially with his smile and attentiveness. He’s such a romantic at heart. I’ve stayed with him for many reasons, but the first two that come to mind is his focus on my happiness and how attentive he is. As for Javier, well, he charmed me from the first day I met him with his exotic foreign accent and smile. He introduced me to the wonders of Spain that I’d have never found without him. But, to give him his just due, it was the size of his cock that kept me around”.

In the sudden, deep, and extended silence that followed, Javier found something very interesting to explore in his wine glass, as Steve looked at me, uncertain what to do or say.

“Which brings us to why I invited Javier over tonight!” I exclaimed before taking a sip of my wine. “Javier is going to fuck me Steve, as you watch. He’s going to bring me to orgasm, and I’m going to scream his name at the top of my lungs, all while you watch. And then, it will be my pleasure to watch you suck Javier off. If you’re a really good boy, we’ll see what treats we can give you. Although I think giving Javier a blow-job is a big treat all in itself!” I said with a laugh, and a little too much energy. I paused for another slow sip of wine as the uncomfortable silence extended.

I turned to squarely face Steve, “Javier will wear protection. Javier is here as a friend only, and isn’t, by vigorous mutual agreement, anything more than a fuck-buddy. He knows his place. This is so that you come to know yours. Javier is quite aware of my needs and that’s why he and I are no longer together. He has a little too much machismo in him to be able to handle a long-term relationship with someone like me, and vice-versa. What we do tonight is fuck and have fun. My love is for you only. For Javier, I’ve friendship, and a sincere appreciation for the size of his cock and how he wields it, that’s it”. I paused briefly before adding “Javier was aware of what I was planning, and we discussed it earlier this week and before you arrived today. I know this is a surprise to you, so I’m going to pause and let you say whatever you’d like”.

I took yet another obvious gulp of my wine, closed my eyes and prayed. This was the moment my world ends.

He began with uncertainty, looking briefly over at Javier. “Is…, is my cock not big enough for you?” he finally stuttered out with a whimper.

“Yes, your cock is big enough for me. However, Javier’s is significantly larger and sometimes I like a little more girth. But even more interesting to me is a threesome, which I’ve always found extremely erotic. I expect it will be even more so with two men that I completely adore. But the main reason for this party is that I want to be sure you understand your place. Tonight, I’m going to fuck Javier because I want to. If you get up right now and leave, Javier and I will be fucking soon after you close the door. I’ll be crying for what we might have had, but I’ll accept that it was not meant to be, and I’ll be full of his cock at the same time; sort of a sweet n’ sour thing if you get my drift. But before you make that decision, please know that I want you to stay, that I love you, and that I want us to enjoy this moment together. Share this moment with me. Javier fucking me is erotic and sexual fun. Javier fucking me with you watching is mind blowing because I love you and I know you love me. Having you overcome your fears and jealousies so that we can experience this together makes your Master very happy. And when your Master is happy, expect her joy to be shared.”

I waited and took another sip of wine; at this rate I was going to be wasted before the fun began. And then, suddenly, I had a thought. “Javier, stand up and pull out your cock”. I sat back in my chair as he complied. Javier’s cock was cut, something rare in Spain in my experience. His flaccid cock was at least five inches long and had the girth of a fat summer sausage; two and a half inches across at least! I watched as Steve’s eyes bulged at the sight of Javier’s member. “Did I lie?” I asked. “I mean, c’mon! That’s a beautiful big cock, isn’t it? And it’s not even hard yet!”

I could see many levels of acceptance and understanding move across Steve’s face. It was in that moment that I knew we’d be fine. We were certain to have challenges ahead related to his submission, but I could see we’d be fine in the end.

“By the way, honey, as I told you a long time ago, you’re the 27th man I’ve fucked in my lifetime. Javier here was number one; he took my virginity.”

“I think ‘Steve’ is a little too empowering of a name for you when we’re alone, or with special friends. I’ll still use it when we’re around family, or I perhaps to emphasize my deepest feelings for you, but from now on you’ll be “27” to me. Is that clear?” I demanded.

“Yes Master” came the firm reply I was hoping for.

“Javier” I called out as I looked in his direction, and then motioned with my head towards Steve. “27, be a good boy and get his cock hard. Don’t stop until I tell you”. I stood up to go to the bedroom and change as Steve tentatively began licking and sucking on the tip of Javier’s cock. “Don’t forget to lick his balls occasionally, he really likes that!” I yelled out from the bedroom.

I’d already laid out the negligee I planned to wear and so it took me little time to change. When I returned, I found Javier naked with a huge erection and Steve drinking wine. Javier’s cock had grown to over 7 inches in length and, as I gripped it, my fingers could only go three-quarters of the way around it. “See what I mean?” I asked as I looked at Steve, “I love your cock babe, but this thing is unreal, and yeah, I’ve missed it”. I sighed. “But first, neither of you knows how to follow orders. Javier, I told you to pull out your cock, not to get undressed. And for you” I said as I turned to Steve, “to not stop until I told you”. I looked at them both sternly. 27, stand up, take all your clothes off, fold them, and place them out of the way. Javier, you disappoint me. Stand over against the wall. When you’re finished undressing 27, bend over the table and wait for me.”

I watched as 27 removed his clothes before walking to the side closet and pulling out the wooden paddle I’d placed there earlier today. With no delay I walked back to the table and struck Steve’s ass violently six times. “Do! Not! Fucking! Fail! Me! Again!” I barked as I marked each word with a vicious stroke. Steve seemed in shock afterwards as he rubbed his beet red ass. “Now boys, let’s put this behind us, obey me, and let’s have some fun” I encouraged.

“Get back to sucking on his dick. Be messy, I want saliva all over it” I commanded. I tilted my head up and looked from one to the other. “This should always go without saying, as far as I’m concerned, but no one cums unless I expressly allow it. If you do, your night is over and there will be other unpleasant consequences. Now, back on that dick” I ordered.

As the boys played, I took a blanket from the sofa, folded it, and placed it on the empty end of table. I got up on the table and lay back on the blanket, spreading my legs as I played with myself. “Is that dick wet yet?” I asked. I heard a muffled reply from Steve and a “yes Goddess” from Javier in that sweet sexy silky Spanish accent of his. “Good boys. Now, 27, take the condom I laid out and put it on his dick. Once you do that, suck it some more and make it good and wet”. As they both complied, I continued to touch myself in anticipation. I could feel my pussy was moist and pulsing. “Javier, come over here quickly. 27, sit on your knees on the floor at the end of the table and use your hand to feed Javier’s cock into my pussy. Keep it hard, no nails on his beautiful cock. Javier, go slowly babe. Just the tip for now.”

I sat back and nearly orgasmed on the entry. “Oh! My! Fucking! God!” I exclaimed as my head bucked forward and back and my eyes rolled back in my head, “So fucking huge!” “Slowly, God Dammit!” I barked. I sat back in bliss, feeling the fullness, warmth, urgency, and desire in his cock.

“27, pull a chair up beside me, sit down, and watch another man fuck your future wife.” “Javier, if you cum, not only are you out of here, but it will be a long time until you’re invited back. Only good boys get to fuck their Goddess. Now, slowly, give me your shaft.”

We stayed that way for some time as Steve sat quietly, as I squeezed his hand in mine, and Javier slowly fucked me and resisted the urge to cum. I lost count somewhere after 23 orgasms before finally gasping out “down boy. Pull it out, take off the condom, and stick it back in his mouth”. I lay there, Steve holding my hand, quivering, for the longest time, as he sucked on Javier’s cock.

“That was fucking AWE-SOME!” I sing-song shouted after I’d recovered my voice. “What a set of good boys you are! Javier, what would you like babe?”

I couldn’t have been more sincere. I’d have given that cock anything it wanted at that point. Not hearing a response, I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I could see Javier looking at me with a question as Steve sucked on him gently. I lifted my shoulders and screwed my face into a silent “what?” expression as he motioned with his finger for me to come closer. He leaned down to whisper in my ear as I sat up on my elbows, and Steve continued to suck on his cock.

“Oh sure!” I responded out loud. “Ok. Stop sucking. Stand up, and let’s all head to the bedroom.”

As I stood up, I could feel that my legs were weak and they began to wobble. Javier helped keep me steady as we followed Steve into the bedroom.

“27, be a good boy, put on the cuffs I laid out, and then lie face down on the bed in the center”.

Having regained my legs on the walk from the dining room, I stood searching the dresser drawers, aka ‘the toy chest’. Finding what I sought, I picked up the lube and pitched it to Javier. I then walked around the bed, pulled the hidden straps from underneath, and tied down Steve’s outstretched hands securely. I then walked around to the foot of the bed and started to tie his ankle cuffs as well. Javier stopped me and made a motion to show he preferred doggie style, so I stopped. I slid onto the bed and up to Steve. “Slight change of plans” I stated as I undid the wrist restraints. “Sit up on your elbows for me. Now lift the left one” I said as I slid my legs under, “and now the right” I commanded. I grabbed his head, my legs now spread wide, and pushed his mouth onto my wet, freshly fucked pussy. “Lick that, gently, as it’s a little sore now. Oh, and put your ass up in the air and spread your legs, he’s going to fuck you”.

I held his head down as he started to buck like a horse. “Now, now, babe. He put on another condom, and you and I both know you like it in the ass. You’re going to enjoy him. Just relax. And lick that pussy slowly”.

I sat back and started to feel his tongue as it explored and flicked.

“Javier, go slowly. Do not damage my property!” I warned.

I felt Steve give a start as Javier slowly began to moan. Eventually a rhythm began, and I could hear the same moans coming from Steve and Javier simultaneously. Which brought me back.

“No cumming! Enjoy, but don’t cum!”. The urgency of the rhythm seemed to dwindle slightly, but the moans continued.

“Good boys! Now, get me off!”

I opened my eyes and looked at Javier as he stared back at me; both of us using Steve for our pleasure. I only lasted for about ten minutes, or roughly six more orgasms. After the twenty something Javier had given me and those six, I was totally spent.

“Pull out, now” I commanded, followed by both the boys whimpering in dismay.

“Remove the condom and throw it out”.

I pulled Steve’s head by the hair out from my pussy and commanded, “Roll over”. He complied as I switched ends and placed my head on his thigh. “You’ve been wonderful so far. And as I told you, good boys get treats. I slowly slid my mouth around his erect cock and began to gently suck. I kept sucking until I heard Javier return. I stopped, removing Steve’s now hard cock from my mouth. “Lay down beside him. 27, slide over a bit”. I sat up and slid over as everyone moved.

“Now, suck Javier off” I ordered Steve, “I want you to make him explode in your mouth, and then I want you to lick up every bit of his cum. I’m going to sit over here and watch”.

I moved to the chair in the corner and watched as Steve went to work. Javier responded magnificently, guiding Steve, and letting him know what most excited him.

“I’ll tell you what most excites Javier is eagerness. Show him you want that cock, that you want him to explode, that you want him to explode when he’s in your mouth. That’ll put him over the top in short order!” I advised.

I watched the excitement build in Javier as he grabbed Steve’s head and forced it up and down his huge erection. I was massaging my pussy gently, nearly cumming myself when Javier peaked and then exploded in Steve’s mouth. I heard Steve gag and watched as he swallowed and began to lick up the escaped cum. And then I watched a beautiful thing, as Steve went back to Javier’s cock and gently licked and sucked on it as it grew limp, encouraging the last of Javier’s semen to escape into his mouth. It feels really strange admitting it, but I was moved by the show of intimacy and tenderness.

“Ok, we’ve had ours and you’ve been our wonderful fucktoy. What’s say we give him a treat Javier?” I rhetorically asked.

I turned to Steve and asked, “So what would my good boy like?” His response firmed my decision. This was the man I was going to marry if he’d still have me.

“Master, I’d like to mount Javier and for you to suck on your cock as I ride him” he replied.

“I’d gladly do that for you, gladly, but I know Javier and he’s done for at least another 30 minute.” As proof I gently massaged Javier’s limp cock. “But I’ve an idea I think you’re going to like nearly as well” I offered.

“Everybody up!” I commanded. I slid into the top of the bed and spread my legs. I looked at Steve, “Fuck me slowly. Don’t cum until I say”. I looked over Steve’s shoulder, “Get behind him and lick his asshole as he fucks me; clean him up first if you like”.

I lay back and looked into Steve’s eyes, “Remember, move slowly; I want it slow, and Javier doesn’t want to be ass-butted”. I laid back and moaned as he slid into me.

“Slowly” I repeated.

I opened my eyes and looked at Steve. I could see the stress on his face. “He’s fucking your asshole with his tongue right now, isn’t he?” I asked quietly.

“No Master, he’s cleaning me, but it still feels really good”, he replied.

He continued to fuck me slowly and methodically, keeping his orgasm in check. But then I could feel him straining and I felt his cock firm up inside me.

“Now?” I asked, and Steve nodded his head vigorously. “And you’re having a really tough time not cumming aren’t you?” even more vigorous nodding confirmed. “Too bad! And if you cum, my cock won’t see the light of day until the new year. That means you’ll go nearly six weeks with no release. It’s not worth the trade, one orgasm now versus countless over the next six weeks. Show me how much you love me and overcome your desire to orgasm. I don’t care what you must do, but don’t pull out, and don’t cum” I commanded. “Do you want some help?” I asked.

“Yes Master” he grunted.

I slapped his face so hard you’d have thought he just told me he’d fucked another woman. The total surprise on his face made me laugh out loud. “Not thinking about orgasming now, are we?” I asked sarcastically before slapping him even harder on the other side of his face.

After that he seemed to settle down again. I knew he was giving it his all, and I didn’t want him to fail, not tonight. There would be plenty of time for merciless torture in the years ahead; tonight I wanted him to succeed.

I forced him to slowly fuck me for another 15 minutes as Javier licked his ass. “Ok, Javier, finger his ass” I said between pants.

Lifting Steve’s chin so that he could look me in the eyes directly, “Fuck me hard. And you may cum now”. I had barely finished the sentence when I could feel him shoot his load.

“There, there”, I cooed as I hugged him closely and he quivered in my arms. I stroked his face gently. “I believe I love you more now that I did even two hours ago” I offered up with a laugh and a hug. He started to pull out, but I clamped my legs around him and snarled “don’t fuck up a perfectly good moment! I’ll tell you when you can go”.

I continued to stroke his face, but the look I gave him made it clear I was serious. “Javier, please rinse your mouth, use the Scope under the sink, put on another condom, then come back”.

Steve stayed in me as I held him captive with my legs. I heard Javier return a few minutes later. “Lick his balls please” I ordered Javier.

I could feel Steve’s cock begin to stiffen inside me. I moaned in unison with him to let him know I knew how he was feeling.

“Now move, but slowly” I ordered. I could feel his cock continue to firm up, but it had a long way to go after his massive orgasm.

I looked at Javier, “lube up well, and fuck him slowly”.

Even before Javier made to move, I could feel Steve’s cock harden inside me from anticipation.

“Now, fuck me slowly and wait for me to approve your orgasm” I quietly whispered into Steve’s ear.

I heard Javier return and felt him slide up behind Steve.

“Javier, you may cum anytime you wish”.

Steve tensed as Javier slid back in.

“Now boys, I know this is tricky, but everyone please move slowly and let’s all fuck in opposing unison”.

I sat back, leaning slightly to my right, and enjoyed watching them both ride together. It was nice to just enjoy everyone else’s pleasure without being distracted by the need for my own. After fifteen or so wonderful minutes, I pulled Steve’s ear down to my mouth.

“You know the cute blonde on the first floor, … Denise? We went for tea Tuesday. I learned that she’s not seeing anyone now and that she really likes anal. I asked her if she’d mind letting me watch as you fucked her in the ass. I promised her you’d wear a condom, and that she’d be doing me a really big favor. She agreed, but only if she could play with me as well. She’ll be over here tomorrow night for dinner, and I expect you to be at your best”.

As I recounted my story, I could feel him hardening further and pumping even harder.

“Fuck her! I want you to fuck her hard right now! Ride me and call me Denise…” And it was over as he gushed inside me again. “Don’t stop, keep going, but you can slow it down” I instructed. I felt him continue to shrink inside me. “My good boy. What a lovely boy you’re: I cooed as I gently stroked his face. “Javier, thank you, can you cum?” I asked.

“Yes Goddess” came the strained reply in that sexy Spanish accent. I felt Javier begin to furiously fuck Steve. Steve suddenly arched as Javier ejaculated inside him.

“Javier, as soon as you’re able, and no rush, you may pull out. That was very nice! When you do pull out, throw away that condom and then come lie here beside me so I can hold my boys”.

After Javier left to clean himself up I pushed Steve’s shoulders to drive him down between my legs. “Clean up your mess. Don’t stop until you suck all of it out and swallowed it. There should be two loads in there, so plenty of dessert for you”.

Steve, to his credit, went to town on my pussy such that I almost came again. After a few minutes, when he had cleaned me fully, I brought him back up and kissed him deeply to share in his dessert, and then I made him lie down beside me. Javier, having recovered and disposed of the condom, returned to lay down on my other side. I began to slowly stroke their limp cocks in unison. I felt Javier harden first, and so I slid down further and began to suck on him. I continued to stroke Steve, until Javier began to orgasm and I let him gush over my tits.

I lay back down between them and ordered Steve to clean up Javier’s mess. Afterwards, I lay between them, holding both their limp cocks in each hand, gently massaging them. Moments later I slid into a deep sleep. It was hours later when I awoke to feel Steve’s hard cock pressing up against me. I slid down to take care of him.

It was going to break his heart to learn I never spoke to Denise, …at least not yet. But telling him could wait until tomorrow. For now, I slipped him into my mouth and slowly brought him to orgasm. My man. My slave. I could barely contain my joy.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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By 27
An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

