We stumbled over the threshold of our Lake Tahoe rental. We’d flown from Chicago that afternoon, the day after the midday wedding, reception, and orgy. Bleary eyed from lack of sleep, to much excitement and drink, we were read to pass out. But there was something important that absolutely had to be done before we crashed for the night.
The suite was in complete darkness. I turned on the lights after fumbling for the wall switch. We stood in the living room as our eyes quickly adjusted.
“Stay” I commanded, as I walked into the kitchen area.
I uncorked one of the bottles of wine I’d brought with me and poured myself a short glass. I returned to the living room and placed the glass of wine on the coffee table.
“Strip” I commanded.
To his credit, he’d trained up nicely. Over the past year, as he wasn’t officially my property, I’d felt there was only so much I could do. We’d shifted to a matriarchal household, but I’d held back in many ways. I told myself that was because he wasn’t officially mine, but I think, subconsciously, I just wanted to take it slow so as to not scare him away. Shame on me, but that was about to change.
Even in his current state, he quickly complied with my order. He removed his clothes, folded them neatly, and tucked them under the sofa.
I rose and, using a fingernail clipper from my handbag, I cut the numbered plastic tie securing the cage around my cock. “Remove the cage I ordered” as I went to throw away the tie and put back the cutter.
I’d had to switch him out of the metal cage for the plastic one due to our air travel. I’d briefly considered humiliating him with the TSA, but I was afraid there might be a fine involved for wasting their time, and I definitely had not wanted to waste any of our own.
“Remove the cage and ring. Go into the bathroom and thoroughly clean and dry the cage, the ring, and my cock and balls. Then return, give me the cage and ring, and get on your knees, placing your hands behind your back” I ordered.
I sipped my wine and waited, examining the rental further. He returned, handed me the cage and ring and went to assume his position.
As he complied, I went into the bedroom and searched through my luggage. When I returned, he was sitting as I instructed, sporting a huge erection. “My, oh my, I do believe you like me in charge!” I said pridefully as I knelt and gently stroked it. “My love, you already know that I demand complete control. I just want to make sure you’re clear on the rules going forward.”
“You’re never to enter our place of residence without stripping all your clothes, folding them, and putting them away neatly. This includes our home, hotel rooms, or any guest rooms, even the bedrooms we stay in when at our parent’s. Once we’re in a private place, you will strip, fold your clothes and stay naked unless I command otherwise. If anyone ever knocks on our door while away from home, you will don a robe that I will give you and that you will ensure you carry with you when we travel. You may only wear that robe, and no other. If you fail to bring that robe, you will answer the door fully naked, and that includes at our parent’s. So if you don’t want your mother checking out your junk, bring the robe.”
Once we get back home, we will set up a place, somewhere near the front door, where you can place your folded clothing until fully undressed. Then you can remove it to where it belongs. When you leave, you will bring your clothing to the same spot, and dress there before departing.
The master bedroom will now become my private chamber. We will create a sleeping pen for you, as you’ll not normally be allowed to sleep with me. If you ever are allowed to do so, it’ll be as a reward, or because I wish to use you throughout the night. So long as I’m pleased, you’ll be allowed a blanket at night.”
“Now, stand up straight” I directed, as I rose with him. When he was finally standing, facing me, I stroked my cock gently, looked him in the eyes and asked, “do you have anything to say?”
“No Master, I understand” he replied.
“Good. Now, jerk off” I ordered as I released my cock and turned away, “you may cum at will.”
As he began to stroke my cock, I sat down on the couch, watching, sipping my wine. I watched him for a few minutes and savored the view of a man debasing himself in front of me and the fact that I had the power to make this happen. I’d pushed him to get more fit this past year and his developed muscles showed. I was becoming excited as I watched him pump. I set my glass down, took my shoes off, and then stood and removed my stockings. I picked up my glass, sat back down on the couch, and put my legs on top of the coffee table with my feet draped over the far edge.
“Come here and stand over my right foot, facing me” I commanded.
He stopped stroking momentarily to comply and then started up again.
“Now, squat down until you can feel my toes. Keep constant eye contact with me” I demanded.
He lowered himself into a semi-squatting position as he continued to stroke my cock and stare me in the eyes. As I felt his groin on my toes, I moved my big toe so that it became embedded in his asshole.
“Look at me! Don’t break eye contact. Now, jerk off, and fuck my big toe” I ordered.
As he stared into my eyes, I could see his lust rising. His eyes eventually rolled back in his head as I fucked his ass with my toe. He gushed all over my ankle, my leg, the coffee table, and the couch as he let out a long low guttural sound. He’d been denied release for the last two weeks leading up to the wedding. He was even denied release during the orgy. So I knew he was primed and was going to have a load large enough to paint the walls. He didn’t fail to disappoint.
“Now stand back up and come over here next to me” I said, once I could see he’d somewhat recovered.
After he complied, I leaned over the edge of the couch arm and sucked what remained in him into my mouth. I then beckoned him to lean down, and we kissed deeply as I gave him back his cum.
“Swallow. Now, get on your knees and lick up this mess, eat all of it. Once you’ve cleaned up everything, get a washcloth and thoroughly clean my leg, then my right foot, and finally my big toe”. I sat, my head leaned back, starring at the ceiling, as he executed my instructions and I occasionally took a sip of wine.
I seriously… fucking… enjoy… having a slave. My life was now complete with a male, on his knees for me, in submission. I meant what I’d told him a year earlier. I’ll love him, cherish him, and take care the best care of him. Like a thoroughbred horse, a prize, but also property. So long as he serves me faithfully, he will not want for anything within reason that I could provide. I watched as he licked up and swallowed the last of his cum and tended to my leg and foot. My only regret was that I’d not fucked him this evening. I would have loved an orgasm or three. But I was dead tired after getting no sleep last night and the long day of travel headache. I’d decided to save my energies for tomorrow.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be a blast. But now, as he finished cleaning my foot with a warm washcloth, I needed to ensure there was no misunderstanding over who was in charge and who was not.
“Stand up and come stand by me” I commanded as I reached into my purse and pulled out the metal cage and ring. I slipped the ring over my scrotum and then quickly slipped the cage on my limp, but firming, cock, securing it to the ring with the lock.
“I told you that marriage to me meant a life in chastity. I meant that, and everything else I said. You serve me in all ways, and serve me well, and I’ll take good care of you. Fail to please me and this cage won’t come off. You’ll not orgasm until the problem is corrected, and maybe not even then. I’ll work side by side with you in this life we build together. But I own you, this cock, and this household. I don’t say any of this to elicit your agreement; that was done when you said, ‘I do’ yesterday. I only say it this one final time, so that I don’t have to say it ever again.
Tonight, you will sleep on the couch. I’m pleased with you, but let’s start this marriage off right. Lay here tonight, separated from your Master, with nothing but your thoughts and my cage wrapped around my cock. This is your life from now on. You can earn back creature comforts by demonstrating loyalty, devotion, and complete submission. Make me happy and I’ll reward you with pleasures you only fantasize about.
I stood and started walking to the bedroom before turning to say, “Sweet dreams my love”.
I blew him a kiss. He stood there, naked, arms behind him, and my cock safely secured.
“No blanket tonight. And I’ll be turning the AC down a little. Stay warm. Love you babe!” I said over my shoulder as I walked into the bedroom humming to myself.