An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

Steve and Olivia: Chapter 02


Days went by and nothing more was said about our morning discussion. I’d vowed not to press him or dump more information on him. I wanted him to process what I had said and come back in his own time. We fucked once in the interim, but it was somewhat mechanical and unnaturally quiet. When he did finally mention our discussion, it was to ask what other items we needed to cover. I told him while there was much to discuss, that I’d prefer he process what he had already heard and come back with specific questions. He nodded quietly, but otherwise said nothing else. While my trepidation grew, I had no regrets. He was right in proposing. It was time to shit or get off the pot. Our relationship needed to grow, and that could only come through an elevated commitment to one another. But commitment could only happen on my terms. There was no middle ground.

If I chose to, I could get so very angry about it all. I have in the past, when I thought on it. If I’d not spoken up, the unwritten assumption in the patriarchy is that I would have effectively become his property, and that he would have led the household. That is what makes the patriarchy so dangerous. It is so insidious, infecting every aspect of our lives because males have made it for for centuries. But getting mad at Steve was not right. He is a product of his upbringing, and a male; he just doesn’t see it as a female does.

I was simply not going to play along with patriarchy. Either Steve was the man for me, or he was not. I hope he’s the one but, if not, then better we both know now than later.

Finally, after a full week had passed, he came to me.

I lay in bed, fully dressed. I’d been reading but had just put my book down and was beginning to prepare for bedtime. I removed my jewelry and was beginning to apply lotion to my hands and arms. I heard him in the hallway as he slowly approached. He stopped in the doorway, as he saw me look up at him, and leaned on the door frame.

He looked down intermittently at his feet and back to me as he said “You’ve given me a lot to think about. But right now, I’m particularly concerned about how sex will be between us. This need of yours to dominate in the bedroom and have sex with others was a big shock. I was wondering what else I might not have seen of your… needs… in the bedroom”.

I continued applying lotion to my hands as I stared at him and carefully considered my response.

“In general, I’ve a desire to control my sexual activity, to be the huntress, not the prey. Also, I must admit I love to see a man bound and gagged. I clearly get off on telling a man what to do and having him do it.”

“Why have I never seen any of this in our sex life?” he asked.

“You have, you just didn’t recognize it I guess. But I’ll admit, I was never overt with you. It came out more as me preferring to be on top, or just being clear on what I wanted you to do. But yes, I was always very careful to not be overly controlling of you.”

“Also…”, I added as I carefully watched his reaction, “I sometimes enjoy the idea of whipping a naked man as he’s tied down”.

“Whipping…?! With what? You mean like spanking or an actual whip? Why?” He couldn’t seem to get the questions out fast enough.

“My hand, a flogger, paddle, whip, hairbrush, whatever” I replied. “I don’t know why exactly. Perhaps to vent, work out my demons, I don’t know” I honestly added. “But I’d never harm you, I promise. I guess there’s a little of the sadist in me. Perhaps it’s just a sexual expression of our relationship. And to be clear, while we’re speaking of sex right now, in our non-sexual relationship I absolutely would invoke corporal punishment if you misbehaved. I can’t stress enough that I’d be head of the household, and that you would be… ‘the household’. I know that might sound alarming to you at first but trust me, please. Would you rather I pulled out a cane and helped you to make a course correction, or would you rather we divorce? Because if I feel the need to pull out a switch and whip you, that means I’m that upset at you. Perhaps not upset with just that one occurrence to leave the marriage, but if that pattern of behavior continued, I’d leave you. While mad at you for making me do it, I’d rather cane you and help us course correct than divorce. I’d never punish you in public or in front of others, not unless you pressed me. In my mind, any corporal punishment is between me and you, and will be dispensed in private. That is, unless I’m ‘funishing’ you as part of our sex play, then yes, I’ll do so in front of whomever is with us at the time. As for sex, you’ll serve when called, whether you want to or not. Failure to serve me will most likely involve some form of punishment and me calling a fuckbuddy over to come do what you refused. So, if you want to avoid punishment, and don’t really care to know I’m fucking someone else because you refused me, then do what you’re told. If you genuinely have a problem about something, talk to me. Help me understand what the problem is. Together, we’ll try and work out a solution that satisfies us both. But simply telling me ‘no’ wouldn’t be an option for you. In all things, I’m your Master and you my slave”.

I’m fairly certain I lost him when I first mentioned punishment, but I elected to keep talking when he didn’t interrupt. I couldn’t decide if his silence was a good sign, or a sign I’d lost him. I now watched as he leaned against the wall, hands behind his back, looking down at his feet as he shuffled them.

“In all the time I’ve known you, more than any other man I’ve known, you’ve always focused on my needs, both in the bedroom and out. That is not only endearing to me, but it’s a big part of my feelings for you. While you may see a very stark picture being painted for you, I’d argue that in so many ways nothing really is changing. You’ve taken care of me, and I of you. You’ve never pressed me for sex if I was not in the mood. Yes, I’ve a few sexual predilections which I hadn’t shared, but I’ve seen you relish new experiences, and I’m confident you’ll be fine”.

I paused briefly and looked at him directly, “I just need you to understand all of this before you decide to propose. I’ll control you, your daily life, and your sex life, fully. I need to know…, you need to know, that you can live that way and be happy”.

He stood near the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded. He raised his eyes from the floor to look at me, “I honestly have no idea. I can’t even imagine this. This sounds like something I should be running from. I’m so confused and yet, clearly, I’m not running away. I just don’t know what to think”, he sighed.

I quickly interjected, “so why not experience it then? Right now. Stop your moody moping about and do something that’ll help you decide. Up for some play?”

“Uhm… sure” he cautiously replied.

“Let’s be clear then” I responded, “from this moment ‘til…, I looked at the clock to see it was ten-thirty pm, “midnight, or until I discharge you, you belong to me. I’ll take it easy on you tonight, nothing that pushes the edge too much. But you do what you’re told, you do it to the best of your ability, and you do it with a genuine happiness to serve. If you don’t believe you can do it, now would be a wonderful time to say so.”

He nodded his head affirmatively while the rest of his body screamed the opposite.

“Fine, you now belong to me. If you don’t do as you’ve agreed, this ends at once, and I turn in. Strip, fold your clothes neatly, place them out the way, and come stand over here by the side of the bed near me”. I watched as he slowly and uncertainly removed his clothes, then folded and put them away as I instructed. He then walked to stand near the bed where I sat. “Lean forward and breathe over my face” I commanded. He obeyed, and exhaled on my face as I breathed in. “Now, put out your right arm, parallel to the floor, and lean over me”. He complied as I smelled his armpit. “Stand back up” I directed. As he complied, I rolled to my side, leaned forward to place my nose near his cock and balls, and inhaled through my nose. “Turn around and bend over” I commanded. He turned, and as he slowly bent forward, I grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart to inspect his anus. “Your breath isn’t optimal; your groin could use freshening and your ass is dirty. Take a shower, get everything corrected, use mouthwash, and when you get back wait at the foot of the bed.” As he walked off, I added “And never come to me again dirty and smelling poorly when you know that I have summoned you for sex.”

I set an alarm on my watch, laid down on my stomach, and closed my eyes for a quick nap. The timer jarred me awake ten minutes later. I opened my eyes, lifted and turned my head to look back at my feet. I saw him at the end of the bed, shivering it seemed, looking uncertain what to do.

“Good boy. Never wake me unless I’ve instructed you to do so, or it’s an emergency”.

I rolled over and slid off my panties as I did so. I threw them at him. “Catch those. Now put them up to your nose and breathe in deeply. Get used to that scent. That’s the scent of your Master” I said with a grin.

I pulled my skirt up, spread my legs wide and pointed at my pussy. “Now, come worship your Goddess” I commanded.

He’d not been of much use orally when I first met him, but over the last year and a half I’d managed to train him to the point where he was fairly good, and frequently spectacular. He was genuinely eager to please, and that made all the difference. I came almost immediately after he started; yes, he was now that good. My nap and thoughts of my fucktoy likely helped. But the sensations were now coming too fast. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, away from my pussy.

“Wait. I’ll tell you when to continue.”

As I lay there, his head in my hands, waiting for the sensations to subside, I felt the bed being bumped lightly in rhythm. I lifted my head, leaned to the left, and looked down to see his right arm between his legs, with his hand slowly stroking my cock. “Stop that!” I snarled. He quickly pulled his hand away and placed it back on the comforter. “That cock belongs to me, and I didn’t give you permission to touch it. You’ve no rights, no privileges, other than those I grant you”. I pulled his head back sharply so his eyes could see the earnest in mine, “that cock is no longer yours. That’s my cock, and I’m telling you now that you may never touch it again in pleasure unless I command it. This is true for tonight, and it will be true for the duration of our marriage. Do you understand me?” I asked.

“Yes”, he replied.

I slapped his face with my free hand as hard as I could. “Yes what?!” I angrily demanded. He really seemed in shock, which was exactly what I wanted.

“Yes… … Master?” came the meek reply.

“Good, now…” I commanded as I thrust his head down, back between my legs. I’m not sure how long I took advantage of him, but when I next checked the clock, it seemed over an hour had gone by. I was exhausted from the intensity and number of orgasms. I squeezed his head with my legs and rubbed his face in my wet, dripping pussy.

“Ok, enough” I weakly uttered, “Stand up and come around to the side of the bed”.

I’d remained dressed for the duration, except for my panties of course. As he walked around, I slowly unbuttoned my shirt. Bra-less, spreading my shirt wide, my firm tits were fully exposed to him. “Whose cock is that?” I asked as I started into his eyes.

“It’s yours” he meekly replied.

“’It’s yours ‘what’?!” I demanded angrily with a glare.

“It’s yours Master” he quickly replied.

“Good boy. Now, jerk off into your hand. You can look at my tits if it helps. Do this quietly and let me know when you’re done”. I laid my head back, closed my eyes and enjoyed the orgasmic bliss still quivering throughout my body. I must have slightly drifted off as I snapped awake when he finally spoke.

“I’m done… Master” he said.

I slowly opened my eyes to see him holding my cock in his right hand and his left hand cupped. I sat up on my elbows to investigate the cupped hand. It held a good amount of cum. “Is that all of it? Did you spill any?” I inquired as I laid back.

“I don’t believe so Master, I think I caught it all” he replied.

“Good boy. Now eat it. I want that hand licked clean.”

The astonishment on his face was priceless and almost made me laugh. I managed to remain composed but I suspect my eyes may have given away my mirth.

“Did I stutter?” I snapped. “Eat it! All of it! … Now!” I commanded.

His body and mind struggled with my order.

“You expect me to swallow your cum, but you won’t do it yourself?” I exclaimed. “If you don’t swallow all of that cum in the next five seconds you can forget about sex for the rest of this year”.

That did it. He saw the seriousness in my eyes and heard it in my tone. His left hand instantly shot to his mouth and he closed his eyes as he slurped it all down.

“Lick the hand clean” I reminded him. “I want to see you lick the palm, and then suck each finger and your thumb dry”. I watched as he slowly complied. “You’re now dismissed. Your service tonight was less than satisfactory. Tonight, instead of being allowed the privilege of fucking your Master, you were only allowed to masturbate as you looked upon her. Next time don’t touch my cock unless I tell you, and don’t take any actions which I haven’t authorized. In the future you’ll be kept in chastity and so this will be less of a problem. Until then, understand that you no longer have a cock and balls. I have a cock and balls, and I let you carry them for me. Don’t touch my cock in pleasure, don’t fuck anyone with my cock, don’t stick my cock in anyone else’s mouth, don’t let anyone else touch my cock, and don’t rub my cock against anything” I commanded. “You’ll keep my cock safe, and keep it clean for use any time I desire it. You’re dismissed, now get the fuck out of here and go clean up”. And with that, I lay back, closed my eyes, and slept the sleep that only dozens of orgasms can bring.

About the author


I'm a penis-carrying member of the human race, married for nearly three decades to a beautiful and loving wife. I'm very independent, willful, and an introvert. I'm fascinated by the world of kink, where the visceral psychologies of sex, more so than its physical pleasures, are explored.

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An Exploration of Intimacy Through Submission

